Distance from Eski shehr to Sydney

The distance between Eski shehr, Turkey and Sydney, Australia is 14,787 kilometers (9,188 miles)

Country: Turkey

Region: Eskişehir

City: Eski shehr

Country: Australia

Region: New South Wales

City: Sydney

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1 day
Jet fighter 14-16 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Eski shehr, Turkey

Local time:

Coordinates: 39.7767° N 30.5206° E

Nearby airports:
  • Anadolu Airport (AOE)
  • Eskişehir Airport (ESK)
  • Zafer Airport (KZR)
  • Bursa Yenişehir Airport (YEI)
  • Cengiz Topel Naval Air Station (KCO)

Sydney, Australia

Local time:

Coordinates: 33.8679° S 151.2073° E

Nearby airports:
  • Sydney International Airport (SYD)
  • Sydney Bankstown Airport (BWU)
  • RAAF Base Richmond (XRH)
  • Camden Airport (CDU)
  • Wollongong Airport (WOL)

Other distances from Eski shehr

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Eski shehr to Istanbul 191 km
From Eski shehr to Ankara 200 km
From Eski shehr to Bursa 133 km
From Eski shehr to Yazmir 329 km
From Eski shehr to Adana 522 km

Other distances from Sydney

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Sydney to Melbourne 714 km
From Sydney to Brisbane 731 km
From Sydney to Perth 3,297 km
From Sydney to Adelaide 1,165 km
From Sydney to Gold Coast 684 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Eski shehr and Sydney.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Sydney, Australia Feira de Santana, Brazil 14,787 km
Karachi, Pakistan Manizales, Colombia 14,787 km
Chihuahua, Mexico Pune, India 14,787 km
Sorocaba, Brazil Kanpur, India 14,786 km
Barquisimeto, Venezuela Navi Mumbai, India 14,789 km
Karachi, Pakistan San Pedro Sula, Honduras 14,789 km
Goiânia, Brazil Lucknow, India 14,789 km
Chongqing, China Guatemala City, Guatemala 14,784 km
Brisbane, Australia Santa Marta, Colombia 14,790 km
Dhaka, Bangladesh San Luis, Mexico 14,784 km
Mumbai, India Nuevo Laredo, Mexico 14,790 km
Osasco, Brazil Lucknow, India 14,784 km
Sydney, Australia Santa Marta, Colombia 14,783 km
Bengaluru, India Montevideo, Uruguay 14,791 km
Campinas, Brazil Lucknow, India 14,792 km
Tehran, Iran Santiago, Chile 14,782 km
Chongqing, China Mixco, Guatemala 14,782 km
Delhi, India Cartagena, Colombia 14,792 km
Tehran, Iran Puente Alto, Chile 14,782 km
Adelaide, Australia Austin, United States 14,781 km

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