Distance from Faya-Largeau to Bogotá

The distance between Faya-Largeau, Chad and Bogotá, Colombia is 10,197 kilometers (6,336 miles)

Country: Chad

Region: Borkou

City: Faya-Largeau

Country: Colombia

Region: Bogota D.C.

City: Bogotá

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 14-16 hours
Jet fighter 10-12 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Faya-Largeau, Chad

Local time:

Coordinates: 17.9257° N 19.1043° E

Nearby airports:
  • Faya-Largeau Airport (FYT)
  • Abeche Airport (AEH)

Bogotá, Colombia

Local time:

Coordinates: 4.6097° N 74.0818° W

Nearby airports:
  • El Dorado International Airport (BOG)
  • Villavicencio / Vanguardia (VVC)
  • Gomez Nino Apiay Air Base (API)
  • Santiago Vila Airport (GIR)
  • Mariquita Airport (MQU)

Other distances from Faya-Largeau

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Faya-Largeau to N'Djamena 778 km
From Faya-Largeau to Moundou 1,086 km
From Faya-Largeau to Abéché 490 km
From Faya-Largeau to Sarh 975 km
From Faya-Largeau to Ati 528 km

Other distances from Bogotá

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Bogotá to Cali 300 km
From Bogotá to Medellín 245 km
From Bogotá to Barranquilla 707 km
From Bogotá to Cartagena 660 km
From Bogotá to Cúcuta 403 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Faya-Largeau and Bogotá.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Moscow, Russia Saltillo, Mexico 10,196 km
Warsaw, Poland Iztacalco, Mexico 10,198 km
Mexico City, Mexico Warsaw, Poland 10,196 km
Warsaw, Poland Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico 10,198 km
Santiago, Chile Portland, United States 10,196 km
Budapest, Hungary Cuiabá, Brazil 10,196 km
Warsaw, Poland Cuauhtémoc, Mexico 10,196 km
Vienna, Austria Irapuato, Mexico 10,196 km
Dongguan, China Zaragoza, Spain 10,196 km
Tehran, Iran Recife, Brazil 10,198 km
Berlin, Germany Campinas, Brazil 10,195 km
Stockholm, Sweden Pasto, Colombia 10,195 km
Guayaquil, Ecuador Hamburg, Germany 10,195 km
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo Cartagena, Colombia 10,195 km
Iztapalapa, Mexico Warsaw, Poland 10,199 km
Warsaw, Poland Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico 10,200 km
Cairo, Egypt Petare, Venezuela 10,200 km
Arequipa, Peru Sheffield, United Kingdom 10,194 km

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