Distance from Gampo to Lima

The distance between Gampo, South Korea and Lima, Peru is 16,271 kilometers (10,111 miles)

Country: South Korea

Region: Gyeongsangbuk-do

City: Gampo

Country: Peru

Region: Lima

City: Lima

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 16-18 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Gampo, South Korea

Local time:

Coordinates: 35.8054° N 129.5011° E

Nearby airports:
  • Pohang Airport (G-815/K-3) (KPO)
  • Ulsan Airport (USN)
  • Daegu Airport (TAE)
  • Busan / Gimhae International Airport (PUS)
  • Jinhae Airbase/Airport (G-813/K-10) (CHF)

Lima, Peru

Local time:

Coordinates: 12.0432° S 77.0282° W

Nearby airports:
  • Jorge Chávez International Airport (LIM)
  • Santa Maria Airport (SMG)
  • Francisco Carle Airport (JAU)
  • Capitán FAP Renán Elías Olivera Airport (PIO)
  • Alférez FAP David Figueroa Fernandini Airport (HUU)

Other distances from Gampo

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Gampo to Seoul 298 km
From Gampo to Busan 89 km
From Gampo to Incheon 310 km
From Gampo to Daegu 83 km
From Gampo to Daejeon 200 km

Other distances from Lima

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Lima to Arequipa 764 km
From Lima to Callao 10 km
From Lima to Trujillo 487 km
From Lima to Chiclayo 660 km
From Lima to Iquitos 1,007 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Gampo and Lima.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Sydney, Australia Hamburg, Germany 16,271 km
Perth, Australia Cuauhtémoc, Mexico 16,271 km
Perth, Australia Tlalnepantla, Mexico 16,271 km
Fortaleza, Brazil Gold Coast, Australia 16,271 km
Mexico City, Mexico Perth, Australia 16,272 km
Mumbai, India Quito, Ecuador 16,272 km
Perth, Australia Iztacalco, Mexico 16,273 km
Perth, Australia Azcapotzalco, Mexico 16,269 km
Arequipa, Peru Navi Mumbai, India 16,269 km
Perth, Australia Iztapalapa, Mexico 16,274 km
Adelaide, Australia Santiago de Cuba, Cuba 16,268 km
Perth, Australia Denver, United States 16,268 km
Hyderabad, India Mixco, Guatemala 16,268 km
Perth, Australia Venustiano Carranza, Mexico 16,274 km
Hyderabad, India Pereira, Colombia 16,268 km
Rosario, Argentina Lucknow, India 16,275 km
Perth, Australia Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico 16,275 km
Caracas, Venezuela Adelaide, Australia 16,275 km

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