Distance from Godech to Sydney

The distance between Godech, Bulgaria and Sydney, Australia is 15,458 kilometers (9,605 miles)

Country: Bulgaria

Region: Sofia

City: Godech

Country: Australia

Region: New South Wales

City: Sydney

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1 day
Jet fighter 14-16 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Godech, Bulgaria

Local time:

Coordinates: 43.0168° N 23.0485° E

Nearby airports:
  • Sofia Airport (SOF)
  • Niš Constantine the Great Airport (INI)
  • Vidin Smurdan Airfield (VID)
  • Craiova Airport (CRA)
  • Skopje International Airport (SKP)

Sydney, Australia

Local time:

Coordinates: 33.8679° S 151.2073° E

Nearby airports:
  • Sydney International Airport (SYD)
  • Sydney Bankstown Airport (BWU)
  • RAAF Base Richmond (XRH)
  • Camden Airport (CDU)
  • Wollongong Airport (WOL)

Other distances from Godech

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Godech to Sofia 42 km
From Godech to Plovdiv 170 km
From Godech to Varna 397 km
From Godech to Burgas 366 km
From Godech to Ruse 253 km

Other distances from Sydney

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Sydney to Melbourne 714 km
From Sydney to Brisbane 731 km
From Sydney to Perth 3,297 km
From Sydney to Adelaide 1,165 km
From Sydney to Gold Coast 684 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Godech and Sydney.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Wuhan, China Caracas, Venezuela 15,458 km
Brisbane, Australia Petare, Venezuela 15,459 km
Jakarta, Indonesia São João de Meriti, Brazil 15,457 km
Ahmedabad, India Mixco, Guatemala 15,459 km
Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic Gold Coast, Australia 15,457 km
Barranquilla, Colombia Nagpur, India 15,457 km
Wuhan, China Petare, Venezuela 15,459 km
Nanchong, China Barquisimeto, Venezuela 15,457 km
Melbourne, Australia Ananindeua, Brazil 15,457 km
Chengdu, China Cartagena, Colombia 15,460 km
San Jose, United States Nairobi, Kenya 15,460 km
Bengaluru, India Havana, Cuba 15,460 km
Adelaide, Australia New Orleans, United States 15,460 km
Chengdu, China Aracaju, Brazil 15,461 km
Bengaluru, India Corpus Christi, United States 15,461 km
Chengdu, China São Luís, Brazil 15,462 km
Chengdu, China Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela 15,462 km
Jakarta, Indonesia Duque de Caxias, Brazil 15,454 km
Ahmedabad, India Guatemala City, Guatemala 15,454 km
Jakarta, Indonesia Belford Roxo, Brazil 15,462 km

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