Distance from Guizhumao to Shantou (China)

The distance between Guizhumao, Jiangxi and Shantou, Guangdong is 210 kilometers (131 miles)

Country: China

Region: Jiangxi

City: Guizhumao

Country: China

Region: Guangdong

City: Shantou

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Walk 1-2 days
Bicycle 16-18 hours
Motorcycle 6-8 hours
Car 5-6 hours
Helicopter 45-60 minutes
Speed Time
30 km/h
60 km/h
90 km/h
120 km/h

Guizhumao, China

Local time:

Coordinates: 24.9226° N 115.5299° E

Nearby airports:
  • Meixian Airport (MXZ)

Shantou, China

Local time:

Coordinates: 23.3681° N 116.7148° E

Nearby airports:
  • Jieyang Chaoshan Airport (SWA)

Other distances from Guizhumao

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Guizhumao to Shanghai 909 km
From Guizhumao to Beijing 1,664 km
From Guizhumao to Tianjin 1,584 km
From Guizhumao to Shenzhen 303 km
From Guizhumao to Wuhan 640 km

Other distances from Shantou

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Shantou to Shanghai 989 km
From Shantou to Beijing 1,834 km
From Shantou to Tianjin 1,750 km
From Shantou to Shenzhen 286 km
From Shantou to Wuhan 836 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of China that are at equal or similar distances as between Guizhumao and Shantou.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico Celaya, Mexico 210 km
Reynosa, Mexico Corpus Christi, United States 210 km
Morelia, Mexico Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico 210 km
San Antonio, United States Corpus Christi, United States 210 km
Morelia, Mexico Tlalnepantla, Mexico 209 km
Sevilla, Spain Granada, Spain 211 km
Morelia, Mexico Azcapotzalco, Mexico 211 km
Charlotte, United States Raleigh, United States 209 km
Quito, Ecuador Pasto, Colombia 211 km
Morelia, Mexico Álvaro Obregón, Mexico 211 km
Zapopan, Mexico Irapuato, Mexico 211 km
Tulsa, United States Wichita, United States 209 km
Palma, Spain Badalona, Spain 212 km
Cuauhtémoc, Mexico Celaya, Mexico 212 km
Monterrey, Mexico Reynosa, Mexico 208 km
Callao, Peru Huancayo, Peru 208 km
Gustavo Adolfo Madero, Mexico Celaya, Mexico 212 km
Guadalajara, Mexico Irapuato, Mexico 212 km
London, United Kingdom Cardiff, United Kingdom 212 km
Cali, Colombia Manizales, Colombia 212 km

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