Distance from Ingye to Houston

The distance between Ingye, South Korea and Houston, United States is 11,534 kilometers (7,167 miles)

Country: South Korea

Region: Jeollabuk-do

City: Ingye

Country: United States

Region: Texas

City: Houston

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 16-18 hours
Jet fighter 10-12 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Ingye, South Korea

Local time:

Coordinates: 35.4126° N 127.1414° E

Nearby airports:
  • Gwangju Airport (KWJ)
  • Jeon Ju Airport (G-703) (CHN)
  • Gunsan Airport (KUV)
  • Yeosu/Suncheon Airport (RSU)
  • Muan International Airport (MWX)

Houston, United States

Local time:

Coordinates: 29.7633° N 95.3633° W

Nearby airports:
  • William P Hobby Airport (HOU)
  • Andrau Airpark (AAP)
  • George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH)
  • Ellington Airport (EFD)
  • West Houston Airport (IWS)

Other distances from Ingye

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Ingye to Seoul 239 km
From Ingye to Busan 175 km
From Ingye to Incheon 230 km
From Ingye to Daegu 141 km
From Ingye to Daejeon 106 km

Other distances from Houston

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Houston to New York City 2,283 km
From Houston to Los Angeles 2,211 km
From Houston to Chicago 1,510 km
From Houston to Philadelphia 2,158 km
From Houston to Phoenix 1,635 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Ingye and Houston.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Saint Petersburg, Russia Guarulhos, Brazil 11,534 km
Baghdad, Iraq Barquisimeto, Venezuela 11,535 km
Istanbul, Turkey Mazatlán, Mexico 11,535 km
Beijing, China Cuilacan, Mexico 11,531 km
Mendoza, Argentina Nottingham, United Kingdom 11,537 km
Stockholm, Sweden Arequipa, Peru 11,537 km
Moscow, Russia Nova Iguaçu, Brazil 11,531 km
Kano, Nigeria Acapulco de Juárez, Mexico 11,538 km
Moscow, Russia São João de Meriti, Brazil 11,530 km
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo Nanjing, China 11,538 km
Shanghai, China Toledo, United States 11,538 km
Cairo, Egypt Mérida, Mexico 11,539 km
Wuhan, China Ottawa, Canada 11,529 km
Moscow, Russia Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 11,528 km
Moscow, Russia Belford Roxo, Brazil 11,528 km
Chongqing, China Las Vegas, United States 11,528 km
Istanbul, Turkey Asunción, Paraguay 11,540 km
Nanjing, China Toledo, United States 11,528 km
Wuhan, China Montréal, Canada 11,541 km

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