Distance from Keszthely to Győr (Hungary)

The distance between Keszthely, Zala and Győr, Győr-Moson-Sopron is 106 kilometers (66 miles)

Country: Hungary

Region: Zala

City: Keszthely

Country: Hungary

Region: Győr-Moson-Sopron

City: Győr

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Walk 1 day
Bicycle 8-10 hours
Motorcycle 3-4 hours
Car 2-3 hours
Helicopter 20-30 minutes
Speed Time
30 km/h
60 km/h
90 km/h
120 km/h

Keszthely, Hungary

Local time:

Coordinates: 46.7681° N 17.2432° E

Nearby airports:
  • Hévíz-Balaton Airport (SOB)

Győr, Hungary

Local time:

Coordinates: 47.6833° N 17.6351° E

Nearby airports:
  • Győr-Pér International Airport (QGY)

Other distances from Keszthely

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Keszthely to Budapest 159 km
From Keszthely to Debrecen 343 km
From Keszthely to Miskolc 305 km
From Keszthely to Szeged 230 km
From Keszthely to Győr 106 km

Other distances from Győr

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Győr to Budapest 108 km
From Győr to Debrecen 300 km
From Győr to Miskolc 240 km
From Győr to Szeged 249 km
From Győr to Szombathely 91 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of Hungary that are at equal or similar distances as between Keszthely and Győr.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Curitiba, Brazil Joinville, Brazil 106 km
Mexico City, Mexico Puebla, Mexico 106 km
Puebla, Mexico Coyoacán, Mexico 106 km
Puebla, Mexico Venustiano Carranza, Mexico 105 km
Puebla, Mexico Tlalpan, Mexico 105 km
León de los Aldama, Mexico Aguascalientes, Mexico 105 km
Birmingham, United Kingdom Sheffield, United Kingdom 104 km
San Diego, United States Ensenada, Mexico 108 km
Campinas, Brazil Mauá, Brazil 104 km
São José dos Campos, Brazil Carapicuíba, Brazil 104 km
Puebla, Mexico Gustavo Adolfo Madero, Mexico 108 km
Liverpool, United Kingdom Leeds, United Kingdom 104 km
Recife, Brazil João Pessoa, Brazil 104 km
Beijing, China Tianjin, China 108 km
Cúcuta, Colombia Bucaramanga, Colombia 109 km
Sorocaba, Brazil Mauá, Brazil 103 km
Puebla, Mexico Cuauhtémoc, Mexico 109 km
Puebla, Mexico Cuernavaca, Mexico 109 km
Raleigh, United States Greensboro, United States 109 km
Morelia, Mexico Irapuato, Mexico 110 km

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