Distance from La Valentine to Sydney

The distance between La Valentine, France and Sydney, Australia is 16,883 kilometers (10,490 miles)

Country: France

Region: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

City: La Valentine

Country: Australia

Region: New South Wales

City: Sydney

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 16-18 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

La Valentine, France

Local time:

Coordinates: 43.2976° N 5.4843° E

Nearby airports:
  • Le Castellet Airport (CTT)
  • Marseille Provence Airport (MRS)
  • Toulon-Hyères Airport (TLN)
  • La Môle – Saint-Tropez Airport (LTT)
  • Avignon-Caumont Airport (AVN)

Sydney, Australia

Local time:

Coordinates: 33.8679° S 151.2073° E

Nearby airports:
  • Sydney International Airport (SYD)
  • Sydney Bankstown Airport (BWU)
  • RAAF Base Richmond (XRH)
  • Camden Airport (CDU)
  • Wollongong Airport (WOL)

Other distances from La Valentine

Distance between cities Kilometers
From La Valentine to Paris 663 km
From La Valentine to Marseille 8 km
From La Valentine to Lyon 277 km
From La Valentine to Toulouse 329 km
From La Valentine to Nice 151 km

Other distances from Sydney

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Sydney to Melbourne 714 km
From Sydney to Brisbane 731 km
From Sydney to Perth 3,297 km
From Sydney to Adelaide 1,165 km
From Sydney to Gold Coast 684 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between La Valentine and Sydney.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Nanjing, China Salvador, Brazil 16,882 km
Trujillo, Peru Pune, India 16,882 km
Nanchong, China Nova Iguaçu, Brazil 16,882 km
Jakarta, Indonesia Xico, Mexico 16,884 km
Taipei, Taiwan Olinda, Brazil 16,886 km
Chongqing, China Contagem, Brazil 16,880 km
Shanghai, China Manaus, Brazil 16,887 km
Jakarta, Indonesia Santa María Chimalhuacán, Mexico 16,877 km
Adelaide, Australia Baltimore, United States 16,877 km
Jakarta, Indonesia Ixtapaluca, Mexico 16,889 km
Nanchong, China Belford Roxo, Brazil 16,877 km
Chennai, India Cali, Colombia 16,877 km
Tokyo, Japan Olinda, Brazil 16,889 km
Seoul, South Korea Feira de Santana, Brazil 16,876 km
Nanchong, China São João de Meriti, Brazil 16,876 km
Jakarta, Indonesia Acapulco de Juárez, Mexico 16,890 km
Dongguan, China Cali, Colombia 16,876 km
Chongqing, China Ribeirão das Neves, Brazil 16,875 km
Taipei, Taiwan Recife, Brazil 16,891 km
Shenzhen, China Bogotá, Colombia 16,874 km

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