Distance from Lanesborough to Sydney

The distance between Lanesborough, Ireland and Sydney, Australia is 17,266 kilometers (10,729 miles)

Country: Ireland

Region: Leinster

City: Lanesborough

Country: Australia

Region: New South Wales

City: Sydney

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 16-18 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Lanesborough, Ireland

Local time:

Coordinates: 53.6667° N 7.9833° W

Nearby airports:
  • Ireland West Knock Airport (NOC)
  • Galway Airport (GWY)
  • Sligo Airport (SXL)
  • Enniskillen Airport (ENK)
  • Connemara Regional Airport (NNR)

Sydney, Australia

Local time:

Coordinates: 33.8679° S 151.2073° E

Nearby airports:
  • Sydney International Airport (SYD)
  • Sydney Bankstown Airport (BWU)
  • RAAF Base Richmond (XRH)
  • Camden Airport (CDU)
  • Wollongong Airport (WOL)

Other distances from Lanesborough

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Lanesborough to Dublin 121 km
From Lanesborough to Cork 200 km
From Lanesborough to Waterford 167 km
From Lanesborough to Beaumont 121 km
From Lanesborough to Rialto 118 km

Other distances from Sydney

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Sydney to Melbourne 714 km
From Sydney to Brisbane 731 km
From Sydney to Perth 3,297 km
From Sydney to Adelaide 1,165 km
From Sydney to Gold Coast 684 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Lanesborough and Sydney.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Nanjing, China Callao, Peru 17,265 km
Chongqing, China Santos, Brazil 17,269 km
Trujillo, Peru Nagpur, India 17,269 km
Lima, Peru Nanjing, China 17,269 km
Chongqing, China Guarulhos, Brazil 17,269 km
Chongqing, China Mauá, Brazil 17,270 km
Melbourne, Australia Granada, Spain 17,258 km
Nanchong, China Chiclayo, Peru 17,275 km
Lima, Peru Bengaluru, India 17,277 km
Chongqing, China Santo André, Brazil 17,277 km
Taipei, Taiwan Aracaju, Brazil 17,277 km
Bengaluru, India Guayaquil, Ecuador 17,278 km
Chiclayo, Peru Nagpur, India 17,254 km
Melbourne, Australia Bilbao, Spain 17,253 km
Dongguan, China Guayaquil, Ecuador 17,279 km
Tokyo, Japan Puente Alto, Chile 17,253 km
Chongqing, China São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil 17,281 km
São Paulo, Brazil Chongqing, China 17,282 km

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