Distance from Leeds to Islington (United Kingdom)

The distance between Leeds, England and Islington, England is 270 kilometers (168 miles).

Leeds, England, United Kingdom

Islington, England, United Kingdom

From Leeds to Islington, the straight-line distance is 270 kilometers, heading south. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Leeds at 50 meters above sea level and Islington at 37 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 1 day
Motorcycle 8-10 hours
Car 6-8 hours
Helicopter 1-2 hours
Airplane 20-30 minutes
Speed Time
30 km/h
60 km/h
90 km/h
120 km/h
Leeds, United Kingdom

Local time:

Time Zone: Europe/London

Coordinates: 53.7965° N 1.5479° W

Elevation: 50 m (164 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Leeds Bradford International Airport (LBA)
  • RAF Linton-On-Ouse (HRT)
  • Robin Hood Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA)
  • Robin Hood Airport Doncaster Sheffield (DCS)
  • Manchester Airport (MAN)
Islington, United Kingdom

Local time:

Time Zone: Europe/London

Coordinates: 51.5362° N 0.103° W

Elevation: 37 m (121 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • London City Airport (LCY)
  • RAF Northolt (NHT)
  • London Biggin Hill Airport (BQH)
  • London Heathrow Airport (LHR)
  • Redhill Aerodrome (KRH)

Other distances from Leeds

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Leeds to London 272 km
From Leeds to Birmingham 148 km
From Leeds to Liverpool 104 km
From Leeds to Glasgow 289 km
From Leeds to Sheffield 46 km

Other distances from Islington

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Islington to London 3 km
From Islington to Birmingham 162 km
From Islington to Liverpool 286 km
From Islington to Glasgow 554 km
From Islington to Sheffield 225 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of United Kingdom that are at equal or similar distances as between Leeds and Islington.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Leeds, United Kingdom Bristol, United Kingdom 270 km
Mexico City, Mexico Irapuato, Mexico 271 km
Gustavo Adolfo Madero, Mexico Irapuato, Mexico 269 km
Indianapolis, United States Columbus, United States 271 km
Saltillo, Mexico Nuevo Laredo, Mexico 272 km
Morelia, Mexico San Luis Potosí, Mexico 272 km
Leeds, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom 272 km
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico Irapuato, Mexico 268 km
Dublin, Ireland Manchester, United Kingdom 267 km
Coyoacán, Mexico Irapuato, Mexico 273 km
Morelia, Mexico Aguascalientes, Mexico 267 km
New York City, United States Baltimore, United States 273 km
Brooklyn, United States Baltimore, United States 273 km
Bristol, United Kingdom Bradford, United Kingdom 266 km
Barranquilla, Colombia Montería, Colombia 274 km
Madrid, Spain Zaragoza, Spain 275 km
Guayaquil, Ecuador Quito, Ecuador 265 km
London, United Kingdom Swansea, United Kingdom 265 km
Leeds, United Kingdom Newport, United Kingdom 265 km

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