Distance from Manaus to Bangkok

The distance between Manaus, Brazil and Bangkok, Thailand is 17,585 kilometers (10,927 miles).

Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

Bangkok, Thailand

From Manaus to Bangkok, the straight-line distance is 17,585 kilometers, heading northeast. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Manaus at 20 meters above sea level and Bangkok at 12 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 18-20 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Manaus, Brazil

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Manaus

Coordinates: 3.1019° S 60.025° W

Elevation: 20 m (66 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Ponta Pelada Airport (PLL)
  • Eduardo Gomes International Airport (MAO)
  • Borba Airport (RBB)
  • Itacoatiara Airport (ITA)
  • Novo Aripuanã Airport (NVP)
Bangkok, Thailand

Local time:

Time Zone: Asia/Bangkok

Coordinates: 13.754° N 100.5014° E

Elevation: 12 m (39 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Don Mueang International Airport (DMK)
  • Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK)
  • Kamphaeng Saen Airport (KDT)
  • U-Tapao International Airport (UTP)
  • Hua Hin Airport (HHQ)

Other distances from Manaus

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Manaus to São Paulo 2,682 km
From Manaus to Rio de Janeiro 2,846 km
From Manaus to Belo Horizonte 2,553 km
From Manaus to Salvador 2,610 km
From Manaus to Fortaleza 2,388 km

Other distances from Bangkok

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Bangkok to Samut Prakan 20 km
From Bangkok to Hat Yai 746 km
From Bangkok to Pak Kret 18 km
From Bangkok to Phra Pradaeng 11 km
From Bangkok to Lampang 514 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Manaus and Bangkok.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Beijing, China Guarulhos, Brazil 17,585 km
Perth, Australia Barcelona, Venezuela 17,588 km
Taipei, Taiwan Callao, Peru 17,591 km
Callao, Peru Chennai, India 17,578 km
Bangkok, Thailand Bucaramanga, Colombia 17,592 km
Dhaka, Bangladesh Salta, Argentina 17,576 km
Madrid, Spain Canberra, Australia 17,576 km
Perth, Australia Maracay, Venezuela 17,574 km
Perth, Australia Milwaukee, United States 17,596 km
Lima, Peru Taipei, Taiwan 17,597 km
Beijing, China São Paulo, Brazil 17,599 km
Manaus, Brazil Taipei, Taiwan 17,569 km
Perth, Australia New South Memphis, United States 17,601 km
Perth, Australia Memphis, United States 17,601 km
Seoul, South Korea Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia 17,602 km

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