Distance from Mangxing to New York City

The distance between Mangxing, China and New York City, United States is 10,682 kilometers (6,638 miles)

Country: China

Region: Xinjiang

City: Mangxing

Country: United States

Region: New York

City: New York City

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 16-18 hours
Jet fighter 10-12 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Mangxing, China

Local time:

Coordinates: 38.9261° N 76.1997° E

Nearby airports:
  • Kashgar Airport (KHG)
  • Yeerqiang Airport (QSZ)
  • Tumxuk Tangwangcheng Airport (TWC)
  • Osh Airport (OSS)
  • Gilgit Airport (GIL)

New York City, United States

Local time:

Coordinates: 40.7143° N 74.006° W

Nearby airports:
  • Downtown-Manhattan/Wall St Heliport (JRB)
  • West 30th St. Heliport (JRA)
  • La Guardia Airport (LGA)
  • Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR)
  • Teterboro Airport (TEB)

Other distances from Mangxing

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Mangxing to Shanghai 4,172 km
From Mangxing to Beijing 3,434 km
From Mangxing to Tianjin 3,517 km
From Mangxing to Shenzhen 4,017 km
From Mangxing to Wuhan 3,578 km

Other distances from New York City

Distances between cities Kilometers
From New York City to Los Angeles 3,944 km
From New York City to Chicago 1,149 km
From New York City to Houston 2,283 km
From New York City to Philadelphia 130 km
From New York City to Phoenix 3,451 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Mangxing and New York City.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Sacramento, United States Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil 10,681 km
Santiago, Chile Madrid, Spain 10,681 km
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Stockholm, Sweden 10,681 km
São José dos Campos, Brazil Edmonton, Canada 10,680 km
Oakland, United States Serra, Brazil 10,684 km
Bucharest, Romania Tegucigalpa, Honduras 10,684 km
Dongguan, China Vigo, Spain 10,684 km
Berlin, Germany Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia 10,684 km
Stockholm, Sweden São João de Meriti, Brazil 10,679 km
Baghdad, Iraq San Juan, Puerto Rico 10,685 km
Tianjin, China Toronto, Canada 10,679 km
Warsaw, Poland Sorocaba, Brazil 10,685 km
Stockholm, Sweden Nova Iguaçu, Brazil 10,679 km
Barcelona, Spain Mar del Plata, Argentina 10,678 km
Tianjin, China Tucson, United States 10,678 km
Warsaw, Poland Quito, Ecuador 10,678 km
Karachi, Pakistan Melbourne, Australia 10,686 km
Santiago, Chile Murcia, Spain 10,686 km

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