Distance from Memphis to San Nicolás de los Garza

The distance between Memphis, United States and San Nicolás de los Garza, Mexico is 1,433 kilometers (890 miles)

Country: United States

Region: Tennessee

City: Memphis

Country: Mexico

Region: Nuevo León

City: San Nicolás de los Garza

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 4-5 days
Motorcycle 1-2 days
Car 1-2 days
Airplane 2-3 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h

Memphis, United States

Local time:

Coordinates: 35.1495° N 90.049° W

Nearby airports:
  • Memphis International Airport (MEM)
  • Millington-Memphis Airport (NQA)
  • Olive Branch Airport (OLV)
  • Tunica Municipal Airport (UTM)
  • Tunica Municipal Airport (UTA)

San Nicolás de los Garza, Mexico

Local time:

Coordinates: 25.7417° N 100.3022° W

Nearby airports:
  • Del Norte International Airport (NTR)
  • General Mariano Escobedo International Airport (MTY)
  • Plan de Guadalupe International Airport (SLW)
  • Venustiano Carranza International Airport (LOV)
  • Quetzalcóatl International Airport (NLD)

Other distances from Memphis

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Memphis to New York City 1,537 km
From Memphis to Los Angeles 2,581 km
From Memphis to Chicago 773 km
From Memphis to Houston 778 km
From Memphis to Phoenix 2,032 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Memphis and San Nicolás de los Garza.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Iztapalapa, Mexico Washington, United States 1,433 km
Stockholm, Sweden Islington, United Kingdom 1,433 km
Hermosillo, Mexico Washington, United States 1,433 km
Mérida, Mexico Zapopan, Mexico 1,433 km
Caracas, Venezuela Panama City, Panama 1,433 km
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico Morelia, Mexico 1,432 km
Amsterdam, Netherlands Palma, Spain 1,434 km
Hermosillo, Mexico San Francisco, United States 1,432 km
Guadalajara, Mexico Mérida, Mexico 1,434 km
Monterrey, Mexico New South Memphis, United States 1,434 km
Cartagena, Colombia Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela 1,432 km
Phoenix, United States Guadalupe, Mexico 1,431 km
Montevideo, Uruguay Salta, Argentina 1,431 km
Memphis, United States Guadalupe, Mexico 1,435 km
Rome, Italy Valladolid, Spain 1,431 km
Hermosillo, Mexico Sacramento, United States 1,431 km
Denver, United States Sacramento, United States 1,431 km
Vienna, Austria Manchester, United Kingdom 1,430 km
Chihuahua, Mexico Bakersfield, United States 1,430 km

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