Distance from Mongar to Jakar (Bhutan)

The distance between Mongar and Jakar, Bumthang is 57 kilometers (35 miles)

Country: Bhutan

Region: Mongar

City: Mongar

Country: Bhutan

Region: Bumthang

City: Jakar

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Walk 10-12 hours
Bicycle 4-5 hours
Motorcycle 1-2 hours
Car 1-2 hours
Helicopter 10-20 minutes
Speed Time
30 km/h
60 km/h
90 km/h
120 km/h

Mongar, Bhutan

Local time:

Coordinates: 27.2747° N 91.2396° E

Nearby airports:
  • Yonphula Airport (YON)

Jakar, Bhutan

Local time:

Coordinates: 27.5492° N 90.7525° E

Nearby airports:
  • Bathpalathang Airport (BUT)

Other distances from Mongar

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Mongar to Thimphu 159 km
From Mongar to Punākha 139 km
From Mongar to Tsirang 114 km
From Mongar to Phuntsholing 190 km
From Mongar to Pemagatshel 31 km

Other distances from Jakar

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Jakar to Thimphu 110 km
From Jakar to Punākha 87 km
From Jakar to Tsirang 85 km
From Jakar to Phuntsholing 156 km
From Jakar to Pemagatshel 86 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of Bhutan that are at equal or similar distances as between Mongar and Jakar.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Baltimore, United States Washington, United States 57 km
Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico Cuernavaca, Mexico 57 km
Mexico City, Mexico Cuernavaca, Mexico 57 km
Mexico City, Mexico Toluca, Mexico 57 km
Toluca, Mexico Xochimilco, Mexico 58 km
Cuauhtémoc, Mexico Toluca, Mexico 56 km
Cuauhtémoc, Mexico Cuernavaca, Mexico 58 km
Toluca, Mexico Tlalnepantla, Mexico 56 km
Venustiano Carranza, Mexico Cuernavaca, Mexico 59 km
Guarulhos, Brazil Santos, Brazil 59 km
São Paulo, Brazil Santos, Brazil 55 km
Birmingham, United Kingdom Leicester, United Kingdom 55 km
Toluca, Mexico Iztacalco, Mexico 60 km
Toluca, Mexico Cuernavaca, Mexico 60 km
León de los Aldama, Mexico Irapuato, Mexico 60 km
Toluca, Mexico Venustiano Carranza, Mexico 60 km
Toluca, Mexico Azcapotzalco, Mexico 54 km
Toluca, Mexico Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico 61 km
Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico Cuernavaca, Mexico 61 km
San Jose, United States Oakland, United States 61 km

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