Distance from Moscow to Chihuahua

The distance between Moscow, Russia and Chihuahua, Mexico is 10,041 kilometers (6,239 miles).

Moscow, Russia

Chihuahua, Mexico

From Moscow to Chihuahua, the straight-line distance is 10,041 kilometers, heading northwest. Moscow is at 144 meters above sea level, while Chihuahua is at 1,437 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 16-18 hours
Jet fighter 10-12 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Moscow, Russia

Local time:

Time Zone: Europe/Moscow

Coordinates: 55.7522° N 37.6156° E

Elevation: 144 m (472 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Sheremetyevo International Airport (SVO)
  • Ostafyevo International Airport (OSF)
  • Vnukovo International Airport (VKO)
  • Chkalovskiy Air Base (CKL)
  • Bykovo Airport (BKA)
Chihuahua, Mexico

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Chihuahua

Coordinates: 28.6353° N 106.0889° W

Elevation: 1,437 m (4,715 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • General Roberto Fierro Villalobos International Airport (CUU)
  • Nuevo Casas Grandes Municipal Airport (NCG)
  • Marfa Municipal Airport (MRF)
  • Alpine Casparis Municipal Airport (ALE)
  • Abraham González International Airport (CJS)

Other distances from Moscow

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Moscow to Saint Petersburg 636 km
From Moscow to Yekaterinburg 1,422 km
From Moscow to Kazan 721 km
From Moscow to Chelyabinsk 1,501 km
From Moscow to Omsk 2,243 km

Other distances from Chihuahua

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Chihuahua to Mexico City 1,241 km
From Chihuahua to Tijuana 1,131 km
From Chihuahua to Iztapalapa 1,251 km
From Chihuahua to Puebla 1,331 km
From Chihuahua to Ciudad Juárez 344 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Moscow and Chihuahua.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Warsaw, Poland San Luis Potosí, Mexico 10,041 km
Vienna, Austria San Luis Potosí, Mexico 10,041 km
London, United Kingdom Sucre, Bolivia 10,041 km
Pune, India Newcastle, Australia 10,041 km
Oslo, Norway Goiânia, Brazil 10,042 km
Gold Coast, Australia Indore, India 10,042 km
Nashville, United States Port Harcourt, Nigeria 10,042 km
Rome, Italy Fresno, United States 10,042 km
Morelia, Mexico Prague, Czechia 10,039 km
Kyiv, Ukraine Bakersfield, United States 10,039 km
Canberra, Australia Indore, India 10,039 km
Baghdad, Iraq Winnipeg, Canada 10,039 km
Lima, Peru Liverpool, United Kingdom 10,043 km
Sucre, Bolivia Islington, United Kingdom 10,044 km
Budapest, Hungary Mexicali, Mexico 10,038 km
Rosario, Argentina San Jose, United States 10,044 km
Tokyo, Japan Milwaukee, United States 10,044 km
Brussels, Belgium Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia 10,038 km
Moscow, Russia Valencia, Venezuela 10,037 km

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