Distance from Nashville to Sacramento (United States)

The distance between Nashville, Tennessee and Sacramento, California is 3,068 kilometers (1,906 miles).

Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Sacramento, California, United States

Nashville is located in the southeastern United States, while Sacramento is situated in the western part of the country, requiring a cross-country journey. The straight-line distance between them is 3,068 kilometers, heading west.

Nashville is situated at an altitude of 171 meters above sea level, while Sacramento is at only 14 meters.

Driving route

The car route from Nashville to Sacramento spans approximately 3590 km, passing through major highways such as I-40 and I-80, traversing regions like the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains.

Lugares de interés en la ruta: Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, Grand Canyon.

Travel information


The trip from Nashville to Sacramento crosses diverse landscapes, including the Great Plains and the Sierra Nevada, with landmarks like the Grand Canyon.

Best time to travel

Best travel times are spring for mild weather and fall for fewer tourists, making it ideal for exploring Sacramento.


Sacramento generally has a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters, differing from Nashville's humid subtropical climate.


Sacramento offers extensive public transportation and accessible facilities, providing more options compared to Nashville's developing infrastructure.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 5-6 days
Motorcycle 1-2 days
Car 1-2 days
Airplane 4-5 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h
Nashville, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Chicago

Coordinates: 36.1659° N 86.7844° W

Elevation: 171 m (561 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Nashville International Airport (BNA)
  • Smyrna Airport (MQY)
  • Clarksville–Montgomery County Regional Airport (CKV)
  • Campbell AAF (Fort Campbell) Air Field (HOP)
  • Bowling Green Warren County Regional Airport (BWG)
Sacramento, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles

Coordinates: 38.5816° N 121.4944° W

Elevation: 14 m (46 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Sacramento Executive Airport (SAC)
  • Mc Clellan Airfield (MCC)
  • Sacramento International Airport (SMF)
  • Sacramento Mather Airport (MHR)
  • Travis Air Force Base (SUU)

Other distances from Nashville

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Nashville to New York City 1,223 km
From Nashville to Los Angeles 2,865 km
From Nashville to Chicago 635 km
From Nashville to Houston 1,070 km
From Nashville to Phoenix 2,327 km

Other distances from Sacramento

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Sacramento to New York City 4,033 km
From Sacramento to Los Angeles 581 km
From Sacramento to Chicago 2,885 km
From Sacramento to Houston 2,589 km
From Sacramento to Phoenix 1,022 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of United States that are at equal or similar distances as between Nashville and Sacramento.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Manhattan, United States Ciudad Juárez, Mexico 3,068 km
Reynosa, Mexico South Boston, United States 3,068 km
El Paso, United States Manhattan, United States 3,068 km
Bogotá, Colombia Puebla, Mexico 3,068 km
León de los Aldama, Mexico Washington, United States 3,068 km
Iztapalapa, Mexico Ibagué, Colombia 3,068 km
Reynosa, Mexico Boston, United States 3,069 km
Kampala, Uganda Benin City, Nigeria 3,067 km
El Paso, United States Brooklyn, United States 3,067 km
Miami, United States Tucson, United States 3,067 km
Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic Nuevo Laredo, Mexico 3,067 km
Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic Chiclayo, Peru 3,069 km
Brooklyn, United States Ciudad Juárez, Mexico 3,067 km
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 3,069 km
Torreón, Mexico Panama City, Panama 3,067 km
Puebla, Mexico San Jose, United States 3,070 km
Villa Nueva, Guatemala Baltimore, United States 3,066 km
Charlotte, United States Valencia, Venezuela 3,066 km
Winnipeg, Canada Mazatlán, Mexico 3,066 km

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