Distance from Nashville to Washington (United States)

The distance between Nashville, Tennessee and Washington, Illinois is 553 kilometers (344 miles).

Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Washington, Illinois, United States

From Nashville to Washington, the straight-line distance is 553 kilometers, heading northwest. Nashville is at 171 meters above sea level, while Washington is at 232 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 1-2 days
Motorcycle 16-18 hours
Car 12-14 hours
Helicopter 2-3 hours
Airplane 45-60 minutes
Speed Time
30 km/h
60 km/h
90 km/h
120 km/h
Nashville, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Chicago

Coordinates: 36.1659° N 86.7844° W

Elevation: 171 m (561 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Nashville International Airport (BNA)
  • Smyrna Airport (MQY)
  • Clarksville–Montgomery County Regional Airport (CKV)
  • Campbell AAF (Fort Campbell) Air Field (HOP)
  • Bowling Green Warren County Regional Airport (BWG)
Washington, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Chicago

Coordinates: 40.7037° N 89.4073° W

Elevation: 232 m (761 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • General Downing - Peoria International Airport (PIA)
  • Central Illinois Regional Airport at Bloomington-Normal (BMI)
  • Rinkenberger RLA Airport (BDF)
  • Illinois Valley Regional Airport-Walter A Duncan Field (VYS)
  • Galesburg Municipal Airport (GBG)

Other distances from Nashville

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Nashville to New York City 1,223 km
From Nashville to Los Angeles 2,865 km
From Nashville to Chicago 635 km
From Nashville to Houston 1,070 km
From Nashville to Phoenix 2,327 km

Other distances from Washington

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Washington to New York City 1,300 km
From Washington to Los Angeles 2,645 km
From Washington to Chicago 195 km
From Washington to Houston 1,328 km
From Washington to Phoenix 2,163 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of United States that are at equal or similar distances as between Nashville and Washington.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Columbus, United States Baltimore, United States 553 km
Manhattan, United States Toronto, Canada 553 km
Los Angeles, United States Oakland, United States 553 km
Glasgow, United Kingdom Islington, United Kingdom 554 km
Brampton, Canada Baltimore, United States 554 km
Cúcuta, Colombia Valencia, Venezuela 555 km
Fort Worth, United States Wichita, United States 551 km
New South Memphis, United States Tulsa, United States 551 km
New York City, United States Toronto, Canada 555 km
Puebla, Mexico Tonalá, Mexico 555 km
Cali, Colombia Bucaramanga, Colombia 555 km
Madrid, Spain Palma, Spain 551 km
Philadelphia, United States Raleigh, United States 556 km
Toronto, Canada The Bronx, United States 556 km
Kumasi, Ghana Lagos, Nigeria 556 km
Glasgow, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom 556 km
Vienna, Austria Warsaw, Poland 556 km
Philadelphia, United States Etobicoke, Canada 550 km
Memphis, United States Tulsa, United States 550 km
Philadelphia, United States Mississauga, Canada 549 km

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