Distance from New South Memphis to Washington (United States)

The distance between New South Memphis, Tennessee and Washington, Wisconsin is 1,175 kilometers (730 miles).

New South Memphis, Tennessee, United States

Washington, Wisconsin, United States

From New South Memphis to Washington, the straight-line distance is 1,175 kilometers, heading north. New South Memphis is at 79 meters above sea level, while Washington is at 206 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 4-5 days
Motorcycle 1-2 days
Car 1-2 days
Airplane 1-2 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h
New South Memphis, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Chicago

Coordinates: 35.0868° N 90.0568° W

Elevation: 79 m (259 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Memphis International Airport (MEM)
  • Olive Branch Airport (OLV)
  • Millington-Memphis Airport (NQA)
  • Tunica Municipal Airport (UTM)
  • Tunica Municipal Airport (UTA)
Washington, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Chicago

Coordinates: 45.3947° N 86.9315° W

Elevation: 206 m (676 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Delta County Airport (ESC)
  • Menominee-Marinette Twin County Airport (MNM)
  • Frankfort City-Benzie County Airport (FKS)
  • Ford Airport (IMT)
  • Sawyer International Airport (MQT)

Other distances from Washington

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Washington to New York City 1,173 km
From Washington to Los Angeles 2,940 km
From Washington to Chicago 398 km
From Washington to Houston 1,885 km
From Washington to Phoenix 2,523 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of United States that are at equal or similar distances as between New South Memphis and Washington.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Houston, United States Veracruz, Mexico 1,175 km
Rome, Italy Brussels, Belgium 1,176 km
Leeds, United Kingdom Bilbao, Spain 1,176 km
Montréal, Canada Milwaukee, United States 1,174 km
Delhi, India Pune, India 1,174 km
Barcelona, Spain Bristol, United Kingdom 1,177 km
San Juan, Puerto Rico Valledupar, Colombia 1,173 km
Houston, United States Irapuato, Mexico 1,173 km
Brampton, Canada Atlanta, United States 1,173 km
Belmopan, Belize Toluca, Mexico 1,173 km
Lucknow, India Pune, India 1,173 km
Mexicali, Mexico Culiacán, Mexico 1,172 km
El Paso, United States Aguascalientes, Mexico 1,171 km
Oklahoma City, United States Milwaukee, United States 1,179 km
Pune, India New Delhi, India 1,170 km
Prague, Czechia Leeds, United Kingdom 1,170 km
San Juan, Puerto Rico Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela 1,180 km
Hermosillo, Mexico Fresno, United States 1,180 km
New York City, United States Milwaukee, United States 1,181 km
Portland, United States Bakersfield, United States 1,169 km

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