Distance from Nowshahr to Madrid

The distance between Nowshahr, Iran and Madrid, Spain is 4,753 kilometers (2,953 miles)

Country: Iran

Region: Māzandarān

City: Nowshahr

Country: Spain

Region: Madrid

City: Madrid

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 15-18 days
Motorcycle 6-7 days
Car 4-5 days
Airplane 6-8 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h

Nowshahr, Iran

Local time:

Coordinates: 36.6485° N 51.4962° E

Nearby airports:
  • Noshahr Airport (NSH)
  • Ramsar Airport (RZR)
  • Mehrabad International Airport (THR)
  • Payam International Airport (PYK)
  • Qazvin Airport (GZW)

Madrid, Spain

Local time:

Coordinates: 40.4165° N 3.7026° W

Nearby airports:
  • Cuatro Vientos Airport (ECV)
  • Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport (MAD)
  • Torrejón Airport (TOJ)
  • Salamanca Airport (SLM)
  • Valladolid Airport (VLL)

Other distances from Nowshahr

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Nowshahr to Tehran 106 km
From Nowshahr to Mashhad 728 km
From Nowshahr to Isfahan 444 km
From Nowshahr to Karaj 101 km
From Nowshahr to Tabriz 488 km

Other distances from Madrid

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Madrid to Barcelona 505 km
From Madrid to Valencia 303 km
From Madrid to Zaragoza 275 km
From Madrid to Málaga 415 km
From Madrid to Murcia 349 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Nowshahr and Madrid.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Tucson, United States Manizales, Colombia 4,753 km
Seattle, United States San Pedro Sula, Honduras 4,753 km
Lagos, Nigeria Bucharest, Romania 4,753 km
Milwaukee, United States Pasto, Colombia 4,752 km
Bogotá, Colombia Albuquerque, United States 4,754 km
Mendoza, Argentina Barquisimeto, Venezuela 4,754 km
Nova Iguaçu, Brazil Bello, Colombia 4,752 km
Istanbul, Turkey Nairobi, Kenya 4,751 km
Chiclayo, Peru Plano, United States 4,751 km
Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela Tepic, Mexico 4,755 km
Cali, Colombia Vila Velha, Brazil 4,751 km
Medellín, Colombia Maceió, Brazil 4,755 km
Medellín, Colombia São João de Meriti, Brazil 4,755 km
Barranquilla, Colombia San Juan, Argentina 4,751 km
Cartagena, Colombia Feira de Santana, Brazil 4,755 km
Barquisimeto, Venezuela Colorado Springs, United States 4,750 km
New South Memphis, United States Chiclayo, Peru 4,756 km
Medellín, Colombia Belford Roxo, Brazil 4,750 km
Medellín, Colombia João Pessoa, Brazil 4,756 km
Recife, Brazil Pereira, Colombia 4,750 km

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