The distance between Perth, Australia and South Boston, United States is 18,704 kilometers (11,622 miles).
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
From Perth to South Boston, the straight-line distance is 18,704 kilometers, heading northeast. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Perth at 34 meters above sea level and South Boston at 20 meters.
Mode | Estimated time |
Airplane | 1-2 days |
Jet fighter | 1 day |
Speed | Time |
300 km/h | |
Local time:
Time Zone: Australia/Perth
Coordinates: 31.9522° S 115.8614° E
Elevation: 34 m (112 ft)
Local time:
Time Zone: America/New_York
Coordinates: 42.3334° N 71.0495° W
Elevation: 20 m (66 ft)
Distance between cities | Kilometers |
From Perth to Sydney | 3,297 km |
From Perth to Melbourne | 2,727 km |
From Perth to Brisbane | 3,613 km |
From Perth to Canberra | 3,095 km |
From Perth to Adelaide | 2,135 km |
Distances between cities | Kilometers |
From South Boston to New York City | 305 km |
From South Boston to Los Angeles | 4,180 km |
From South Boston to Chicago | 1,372 km |
From South Boston to Houston | 2,583 km |
From South Boston to Phoenix | 3,702 km |
The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Perth and South Boston.
From | To | Distance (kilometers) |
Wellington, New Zealand | Leicester, United Kingdom | 18,705 km |
Boston, United States | Perth, Australia | 18,701 km |
New York City, United States | Perth, Australia | 18,700 km |
Perth, Australia | Brooklyn, United States | 18,708 km |
Shenzhen, China | Puente Alto, Chile | 18,699 km |
Perth, Australia | The Bronx, United States | 18,697 km |
Manhattan, United States | Perth, Australia | 18,697 km |
Santiago, Chile | Shenzhen, China | 18,712 km |
Perth, Australia | Queens, United States | 18,713 km |
Wellington, New Zealand | Brussels, Belgium | 18,716 km |
Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Rosario, Argentina | 18,720 km |
Taipei, Taiwan | Goiânia, Brazil | 18,685 km |
Philadelphia, United States | Perth, Australia | 18,685 km |
Bangkok, Thailand | Guayaquil, Ecuador | 18,725 km |
Hong Kong, Hong Kong | Santiago, Chile | 18,681 km |