Distance from Philadelphia to Atlanta (United States)

The distance between Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Atlanta, Georgia is 1,072 kilometers (666 miles).

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Philadelphia is located in the northeastern United States while Atlanta is situated in the southeastern part of the country, both being major urban centers with significant cultural and economic importance. The straight-line distance between them is 1,072 kilometers, heading southwest.

Philadelphia is at only 8 meters above sea level, while Atlanta is at 336 meters.

Driving route

The car route from Philadelphia to Atlanta covers approximately 1240 kilometers, passing through major highways like I-95 S, I-85 S, and regions including Richmond, Charlotte, and Greenville.

Lugares de interés en la ruta: Richmond, Charlotte, Greenville, Shenandoah National Park.

Travel information


The trip from Philadelphia to Atlanta crosses diverse landscapes, including urban areas and natural landmarks like the Appalachian Mountains.

Best time to travel

Spring and fall are ideal for travel due to mild temperatures and fewer tourists, while summer offers vibrant city events.


Atlanta generally experiences warmer temperatures than Philadelphia, with milder winters and hotter summers.


Atlanta offers extensive public transportation and accessible facilities, similar to Philadelphia, enhancing visitor mobility.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 2-3 days
Motorcycle 14-16 hours
Car 12-14 hours
Airplane 1-2 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h
Philadelphia, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/New_York

Coordinates: 39.9524° N 75.1636° W

Elevation: 8 m (26 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Philadelphia International Airport (PHL)
  • Northeast Philadelphia Airport (PNE)
  • Wings Field (BBX)
  • South Jersey Regional Airport (LLY)
  • Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove (NXX)
Atlanta, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/New_York

Coordinates: 33.749° N 84.388° W

Elevation: 336 m (1,102 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Fulton County Airport Brown Field (FTY)
  • Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL)
  • Dekalb-Peachtree Airport (PDK)
  • Dobbins Air Reserve Base (MGE)
  • Atlanta Regional Airport (FFC)

Other distances from Philadelphia

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Philadelphia to New York City 130 km
From Philadelphia to Los Angeles 3,852 km
From Philadelphia to Chicago 1,072 km
From Philadelphia to Houston 2,158 km
From Philadelphia to Phoenix 3,351 km

Other distances from Atlanta

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Atlanta to New York City 1,201 km
From Atlanta to Los Angeles 3,117 km
From Atlanta to Chicago 944 km
From Atlanta to Houston 1,129 km
From Atlanta to Phoenix 2,562 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of United States that are at equal or similar distances as between Philadelphia and Atlanta.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Philadelphia, United States Chicago, United States 1,072 km
Villa Nueva, Guatemala Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico 1,072 km
Guatemala City, Guatemala Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico 1,072 km
Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic Maracay, Venezuela 1,073 km
Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic Caracas, Venezuela 1,073 km
New South Memphis, United States Tampa, United States 1,070 km
Houston, United States Nashville, United States 1,070 km
San Francisco, United States Mesa, United States 1,074 km
Los Angeles, United States Albuquerque, United States 1,069 km
Memphis, United States Tampa, United States 1,075 km
Jacksonville, United States Columbus, United States 1,075 km
Montevideo, Uruguay Asunción, Paraguay 1,075 km
Budapest, Hungary Istanbul, Turkey 1,069 km
Quito, Ecuador Panama City, Panama 1,068 km
Milwaukee, United States Atlanta, United States 1,076 km
Havana, Cuba New Orleans, United States 1,076 km
Hermosillo, Mexico Saltillo, Mexico 1,068 km
Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic Valencia, Venezuela 1,068 km
Villa Nueva, Guatemala Azcapotzalco, Mexico 1,067 km

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