Distance from Phoenix to Glasgow

The distance between Phoenix, United States and Glasgow, United Kingdom is 7,998 kilometers (4,970 miles).

Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

From Phoenix to Glasgow, the straight-line distance is 7,998 kilometers, heading northeast. Phoenix is situated at an altitude of 366 meters above sea level, while Glasgow is at 40 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 12-14 hours
Jet fighter 8-10 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Phoenix, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Phoenix

Coordinates: 33.4484° N 112.074° W

Elevation: 366 m (1,201 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX)
  • Scottsdale Airport (SCF)
  • Phoenix Deer Valley Airport (DVT)
  • Phoenix Goodyear Airport (GYR)
  • Luke Air Force Base (LUF)
Glasgow, United Kingdom

Local time:

Time Zone: Europe/London

Coordinates: 55.8652° N 4.2576° W

Elevation: 40 m (131 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Glasgow International Airport (GLA)
  • Prestwick Airport (PIK)
  • Edinburgh Airport (EDI)
  • Perth/Scone Airport (PSL)
  • Oban Airport (OBN)

Other distances from Phoenix

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Phoenix to New York City 3,451 km
From Phoenix to Los Angeles 575 km
From Phoenix to Chicago 2,338 km
From Phoenix to Houston 1,635 km
From Phoenix to Philadelphia 3,351 km

Other distances from Glasgow

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Glasgow to London 556 km
From Glasgow to Birmingham 407 km
From Glasgow to Liverpool 285 km
From Glasgow to Sheffield 330 km
From Glasgow to Leeds 289 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Phoenix and Glasgow.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Lucknow, India Sevilla, Spain 7,998 km
Washington, United States Bucharest, Romania 7,998 km
Delhi, India Ibadan, Nigeria 7,998 km
Salvador, Brazil Tonalá, Mexico 7,998 km
Recife, Brazil San Nicolás de los Garza, Mexico 7,998 km
Mérida, Mexico Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom 7,999 km
San Juan, Puerto Rico Kano, Nigeria 7,997 km
Austin, United States Campinas, Brazil 7,997 km
Recife, Brazil Fort Worth, United States 7,997 km
Salvador, Brazil Dallas, United States 7,999 km
San Juan, Puerto Rico Onitsha, Nigeria 7,999 km
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil León de los Aldama, Mexico 7,999 km
Monterrey, Mexico Recife, Brazil 7,997 km
Beijing, China Kingston upon Hull, United Kingdom 7,999 km
London, United Kingdom Barranquilla, Colombia 7,999 km
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Oslo, Norway 7,999 km
Salvador, Brazil Saltillo, Mexico 7,996 km
Manhattan, United States Honolulu, United States 7,996 km
Fort Worth, United States Sevilla, Spain 8,000 km

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