Distance from Pleshanovo to Caracas

The distance between Pleshanovo, Russia and Caracas, Venezuela is 11,012 kilometers (6,843 miles)

Country: Russia

Region: Orenburg Oblast

City: Pleshanovo

Country: Venezuela

Region: Distrito Federal

City: Caracas

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 16-18 hours
Jet fighter 10-12 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Pleshanovo, Russia

Local time:

Coordinates: 52.8333° N 53.4833° E

Nearby airports:
  • Orenburg Central Airport (REN)
  • Bugulma Airport (UUA)
  • Oral Ak Zhol Airport (URA)
  • Kurumoch International Airport (KUF)
  • Ufa International Airport (UFA)

Caracas, Venezuela

Local time:

Coordinates: 10.488° N 66.8792° W

Nearby airports:
  • Simón Bolívar International Airport (CCS)
  • Higuerote Airport (HGE)
  • Mariscal Sucre Airport (MYC)
  • Arturo Michelena International Airport (VLN)
  • Bartolomé Salom Airport (PBL)

Other distances from Pleshanovo

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Pleshanovo to Moscow 1,080 km
From Pleshanovo to Saint Petersburg 1,623 km
From Pleshanovo to Yekaterinburg 640 km
From Pleshanovo to Samara 227 km
From Pleshanovo to Omsk 1,324 km

Other distances from Caracas

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Caracas to Maracay 83 km
From Caracas to Valencia 129 km
From Caracas to Maracaibo 518 km
From Caracas to Barquisimeto 275 km
From Caracas to Ciudad Guayana 522 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Pleshanovo and Caracas.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Istanbul, Turkey Florianópolis, Brazil 11,012 km
Rome, Italy Montevideo, Uruguay 11,012 km
Karachi, Pakistan Sydney, Australia 11,011 km
Nanjing, China Phoenix, United States 11,013 km
Istanbul, Turkey San Pedro Sula, Honduras 11,011 km
Cairo, Egypt Cartagena, Colombia 11,013 km
Bucharest, Romania Santa María Chimalhuacán, Mexico 11,011 km
Tianjin, China Oklahoma City, United States 11,010 km
Jakarta, Indonesia Hamburg, Germany 11,014 km
Kharkiv, Ukraine Contagem, Brazil 11,014 km
Bucharest, Romania Gustavo Adolfo Madero, Mexico 11,014 km
Beijing, China New York City, United States 11,014 km
Beijing, China Newark, United States 11,010 km
Budapest, Hungary Caxias do Sul, Brazil 11,010 km
Dongguan, China Kano, Nigeria 11,015 km
Istanbul, Turkey Chihuahua, Mexico 11,015 km
Portland, United States Serra, Brazil 11,009 km
Bucharest, Romania Tlalnepantla, Mexico 11,015 km

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