Distance from Pohang to São Paulo

The distance between Pohang, South Korea and São Paulo, Brazil is 18,569 kilometers (11,539 miles)

Country: South Korea

Region: Gyeongsangbuk-do

City: Pohang

Country: Brazil

Region: São Paulo

City: São Paulo

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 18-20 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Pohang, South Korea

Local time:

Coordinates: 36.0292° N 129.3648° E

Nearby airports:
  • Pohang Airport (G-815/K-3) (KPO)
  • Ulsan Airport (USN)
  • Daegu Airport (TAE)
  • Busan / Gimhae International Airport (PUS)
  • Yecheon Airbase (YEC)

São Paulo, Brazil

Local time:

Coordinates: 23.5475° S 46.6361° W

Nearby airports:
  • Congonhas-São Paulo Airport (CGH)
  • São Paulo–Guarulhos International Airport (GRU)
  • Base Aérea de Santos Airport (SSZ)
  • Bragança Paulista Airport (BJP)
  • Viracopos International Airport (VCP)

Other distances from Pohang

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Pohang to Seoul 273 km
From Pohang to Busan 107 km
From Pohang to Incheon 285 km
From Pohang to Daegu 72 km
From Pohang to Daejeon 182 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Pohang and São Paulo.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Shanghai, China São Paulo, Brazil 18,570 km
Shanghai, China Santo André, Brazil 18,570 km
Taipei, Taiwan Mar del Plata, Argentina 18,565 km
Nanjing, China Campo Grande, Brazil 18,565 km
Shanghai, China Mauá, Brazil 18,565 km
Chengdu, China Santa Fe, Argentina 18,574 km
Wuhan, China Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia 18,564 km
Shanghai, China Santos, Brazil 18,574 km
Shanghai, China São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil 18,575 km
Seoul, South Korea Asunción, Paraguay 18,576 km
Beijing, China Resistencia, Argentina 18,561 km
Tokyo, Japan Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 18,561 km
Tokyo, Japan Niterói, Brazil 18,560 km
Shanghai, China Diadema, Brazil 18,579 km
Chengdu, China Rosario, Argentina 18,559 km
Tokyo, Japan Montevideo, Uruguay 18,581 km
Shanghai, China Osasco, Brazil 18,581 km
Shanghai, China Campinas, Brazil 18,556 km

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