The distance between Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea and Oakland, United States is 10,702 kilometers (6,650 miles).
Port Moresby, National Capital, Papua New Guinea
From Port Moresby to Oakland, the straight-line distance is 10,702 kilometers, heading northeast. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Port Moresby at 25 meters above sea level and Oakland at 24 meters.
Mode | Estimated time |
Airplane | 16-18 hours |
Jet fighter | 10-12 hours |
Speed | Time |
300 km/h | |
Local time:
Time Zone: Pacific/Port_Moresby
Coordinates: 9.4772° S 147.1509° E
Elevation: 25 m (82 ft)
Local time:
Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles
Coordinates: 37.8044° N 122.2708° W
Elevation: 24 m (79 ft)
Distance between cities | Kilometers |
From Port Moresby to Lae | 305 km |
From Port Moresby to Madang | 494 km |
From Port Moresby to Wau | 241 km |
From Port Moresby to Buin | 988 km |
From Port Moresby to Arawa | 995 km |
Distances between cities | Kilometers |
From Oakland to New York City | 4,126 km |
From Oakland to Los Angeles | 553 km |
From Oakland to Chicago | 2,977 km |
From Oakland to Houston | 2,636 km |
From Oakland to Phoenix | 1,042 km |
The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Port Moresby and Oakland.
From | To | Distance (kilometers) |
Kyiv, Ukraine | Culiacán, Mexico | 10,702 km |
Portland, United States | Rosario, Argentina | 10,702 km |
Santiago, Chile | Valladolid, Spain | 10,702 km |
Villa Nueva, Guatemala | Port Harcourt, Nigeria | 10,701 km |
Edmonton, Canada | Curitiba, Brazil | 10,700 km |
Bucharest, Romania | Tijuana, Mexico | 10,704 km |
Rome, Italy | Chiclayo, Peru | 10,704 km |
San Francisco, United States | Mar del Plata, Argentina | 10,704 km |
Kyiv, Ukraine | Veracruz, Mexico | 10,700 km |
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago | Kakamega, Kenya | 10,698 km |
Bangkok, Thailand | Lisbon, Portugal | 10,698 km |
Salvador, Brazil | Vancouver, Canada | 10,706 km |
Moscow, Russia | Irapuato, Mexico | 10,698 km |
Tokyo, Japan | Valladolid, Spain | 10,707 km |
Hanoi, Vietnam | Onitsha, Nigeria | 10,707 km |
Beijing, China | Kansas City, United States | 10,707 km |
Las Vegas, United States | Istanbul, Turkey | 10,708 km |
Jakarta, Indonesia | Prague, Czechia | 10,708 km |
Istanbul, Turkey | Sacramento, United States | 10,695 km |