The distance between Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago and San Luis Potosí, Mexico is 4,387 kilometers (2,726 miles).
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
From Port of Spain to San Luis Potosí, the straight-line distance is 4,387 kilometers, heading west. Port of Spain is at only 21 meters above sea level, while San Luis Potosí is at 1,875 meters.
Mode | Estimated time |
Airplane | 6-8 hours |
Jet fighter | 4-5 hours |
Speed | Time |
300 km/h | |
Local time:
Time Zone: America/Port_of_Spain
Coordinates: 10.6667° N 61.5189° W
Elevation: 21 m (69 ft)
Local time:
Time Zone: America/Mexico_City
Coordinates: 22.1498° N 100.9792° W
Elevation: 1,875 m (6,152 ft)
Distance between cities | Kilometers |
From Port of Spain to San Fernando | 43 km |
From Port of Spain to Rio Claro | 55 km |
From Port of Spain to Chaguanas | 20 km |
From Port of Spain to Mon Repos | 44 km |
From Port of Spain to Arima | 26 km |
Distances between cities | Kilometers |
From San Luis Potosí to Mexico City | 358 km |
From San Luis Potosí to Tijuana | 1,953 km |
From San Luis Potosí to Iztapalapa | 368 km |
From San Luis Potosí to Puebla | 450 km |
From San Luis Potosí to Ciudad Juárez | 1,191 km |
The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Port of Spain and San Luis Potosí.
From | To | Distance (kilometers) |
Barranquilla, Colombia | Tucson, United States | 4,387 km |
Quito, Ecuador | Porto Alegre, Brazil | 4,386 km |
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago | Nuevo Laredo, Mexico | 4,386 km |
Trujillo, Peru | Guadalupe, Mexico | 4,388 km |
Cartagena, Colombia | Fortaleza, Brazil | 4,385 km |
Accra, Ghana | Fortaleza, Brazil | 4,385 km |
Cúcuta, Colombia | Belo Horizonte, Brazil | 4,389 km |
Salvador, Brazil | Bogotá, Colombia | 4,390 km |
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago | Arlington, United States | 4,384 km |
São Paulo, Brazil | Ibagué, Colombia | 4,384 km |
Austin, United States | Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela | 4,384 km |
Fort Worth, United States | Cuenca, Ecuador | 4,390 km |
Barquisimeto, Venezuela | Campinas, Brazil | 4,383 km |
Tegucigalpa, Honduras | Sucre, Bolivia | 4,382 km |
Monterrey, Mexico | Trujillo, Peru | 4,392 km |
Bogotá, Colombia | Rosario, Argentina | 4,392 km |
Torreón, Mexico | Chiclayo, Peru | 4,392 km |
Cúcuta, Colombia | Campinas, Brazil | 4,392 km |
Callao, Peru | Morelia, Mexico | 4,393 km |