Distance from Prague to Leeds

The distance between Prague, Czechia and Leeds, United Kingdom is 1,170 kilometers (727 miles).

Prague, Czechia

Leeds, England, United Kingdom

From Prague to Leeds, the straight-line distance is 1,170 kilometers, heading northwest. Prague is situated at an altitude of 202 meters above sea level, while Leeds is at 50 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 hours
Jet fighter 1-2 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h
Prague, Czechia

Local time:

Time Zone: Europe/Prague

Coordinates: 50.088° N 14.4208° E

Elevation: 202 m (663 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Prague Václav Havel Airport (PRG)
  • Vodochody Airport (VOD)
  • Pardubice Airport (PED)
  • Karlovy Vary International Airport (KLV)
  • Dresden Airport (DRS)
Leeds, United Kingdom

Local time:

Time Zone: Europe/London

Coordinates: 53.7965° N 1.5479° W

Elevation: 50 m (164 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Leeds Bradford International Airport (LBA)
  • RAF Linton-On-Ouse (HRT)
  • Robin Hood Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA)
  • Robin Hood Airport Doncaster Sheffield (DCS)
  • Manchester Airport (MAN)

Other distances from Prague

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Prague to Brno 187 km
From Prague to Ostrava 278 km
From Prague to Olomouc 211 km
From Prague to České Budějovice 124 km
From Prague to Hradec Králové 102 km

Other distances from Leeds

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Leeds to London 272 km
From Leeds to Birmingham 148 km
From Leeds to Liverpool 104 km
From Leeds to Glasgow 289 km
From Leeds to Sheffield 46 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Prague and Leeds.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Pune, India New Delhi, India 1,170 km
El Paso, United States Aguascalientes, Mexico 1,171 km
Portland, United States Bakersfield, United States 1,169 km
Amsterdam, Netherlands Bilbao, Spain 1,168 km
Mexicali, Mexico Culiacán, Mexico 1,172 km
Lucknow, India Pune, India 1,173 km
Belmopan, Belize Toluca, Mexico 1,173 km
Milwaukee, United States Laval, Canada 1,167 km
Brampton, Canada Atlanta, United States 1,173 km
Houston, United States Irapuato, Mexico 1,173 km
San Juan, Puerto Rico Valledupar, Colombia 1,173 km
Prague, Czechia Birmingham, United Kingdom 1,167 km
Delhi, India Pune, India 1,174 km
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico Aguascalientes, Mexico 1,166 km
Montréal, Canada Milwaukee, United States 1,174 km
Mississauga, Canada Atlanta, United States 1,166 km
Houston, United States Veracruz, Mexico 1,175 km
Chennai, India Indore, India 1,165 km
Sydney, Australia Adelaide, Australia 1,165 km

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