Distance from Renesse to Breda (Netherlands)

The distance between Renesse, Zeeland and Breda, North Brabant is 71 kilometers (44 miles)

Country: Netherlands

Region: Zeeland

City: Renesse

Country: Netherlands

Region: North Brabant

City: Breda

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Walk 14-16 hours
Bicycle 5-6 hours
Motorcycle 2-3 hours
Car 1-2 hours
Helicopter 10-20 minutes
Speed Time
30 km/h
60 km/h
90 km/h
120 km/h

Renesse, Netherlands

Local time:

Coordinates: 51.7325° N 3.775° E

Breda, Netherlands

Local time:

Coordinates: 51.5866° N 4.776° E

Nearby airports:
  • Gilze-Rijen Air Base (GLZ)
  • Woensdrecht Airport (WOE)

Other distances from Renesse

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Renesse to Amsterdam 105 km
From Renesse to Rotterdam 53 km
From Renesse to The Hague 53 km
From Renesse to Utrecht 101 km
From Renesse to Eindhoven 122 km

Other distances from Breda

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Breda to Amsterdam 88 km
From Breda to Rotterdam 43 km
From Breda to The Hague 64 km
From Breda to Utrecht 61 km
From Breda to Eindhoven 51 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of Netherlands that are at equal or similar distances as between Renesse and Breda.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Brisbane, Australia Gold Coast, Australia 71 km
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico Toluca, Mexico 71 km
Sacramento, United States Stockton, United States 72 km
Barranquilla, Colombia Santa Marta, Colombia 70 km
Campinas, Brazil Carapicuíba, Brazil 72 km
Birmingham, United Kingdom Nottingham, United Kingdom 73 km
Guarulhos, Brazil São José dos Campos, Brazil 73 km
Toluca, Mexico Coacalco, Mexico 69 km
Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico Toluca, Mexico 68 km
Toluca, Mexico Xico, Mexico 74 km
Osasco, Brazil Sorocaba, Brazil 68 km
Monterrey, Mexico Saltillo, Mexico 74 km
Campinas, Brazil Osasco, Brazil 75 km
San Jose, United States San Francisco, United States 67 km
Fort Worth, United States Plano, United States 67 km
Toluca, Mexico Santa María Chimalhuacán, Mexico 75 km
Osasco, Brazil Santos, Brazil 67 km
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico Cuernavaca, Mexico 77 km
Campinas, Brazil Sorocaba, Brazil 78 km
Puebla, Mexico Ixtapaluca, Mexico 78 km

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