Distance from Robertsport to Skopje

The distance between Robertsport, Liberia and Skopje, North Macedonia is 5,068 kilometers (3,149 miles)

Country: Liberia

Region: Grand Cape Mount

City: Robertsport

Country: North Macedonia

Region: Grad Skopje

City: Skopje

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 15-18 days
Motorcycle 7-8 days
Car 5-6 days
Airplane 6-8 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h

Robertsport, Liberia

Local time:

Coordinates: 6.7533° N 11.3671° W

Nearby airports:
  • Spriggs Payne Airport (MLW)
  • Roberts International Airport (ROB)
  • Kenema Airport (KEN)
  • Bo Airport (KBS)
  • Sherbro International Airport (BTE)

Skopje, North Macedonia

Local time:

Coordinates: 41.9965° N 21.4314° E

Nearby airports:
  • Skopje International Airport (SKP)
  • Pristina International Airport (PIA) (PRN)
  • Ohrid "St. Paul the Apostle" Airport (OHD)
  • Niš Constantine the Great Airport (INI)
  • Tirana International Airport Nënë Tereza (TIA)

Other distances from Skopje

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Skopje to Bitola 107 km
From Skopje to Kumanovo 28 km
From Skopje to Prilep 73 km
From Skopje to Tetovo 38 km
From Skopje to Shtip 69 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Robertsport and Skopje.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Barranquilla, Colombia São João de Meriti, Brazil 5,068 km
Chihuahua, Mexico Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela 5,069 km
Phoenix, United States Barquisimeto, Venezuela 5,069 km
Mesa, United States Pasto, Colombia 5,069 km
Nova Iguaçu, Brazil Cartagena, Colombia 5,067 km
Buenos Aires, Argentina Petare, Venezuela 5,069 km
Manaus, Brazil The Bronx, United States 5,066 km
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Santa Marta, Colombia 5,070 km
Albuquerque, United States Barcelona, Venezuela 5,066 km
Maracay, Venezuela Tucson, United States 5,066 km
Guayaquil, Ecuador Mississauga, Canada 5,070 km
Sorocaba, Brazil San Juan, Puerto Rico 5,066 km
Bogotá, Colombia Phoenix, United States 5,066 km
Los Angeles, United States Cartagena, Colombia 5,071 km
Albuquerque, United States Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela 5,065 km
Los Angeles, United States Santo Domingo Oeste, Dominican Republic 5,065 km
Barranquilla, Colombia Duque de Caxias, Brazil 5,071 km
Montevideo, Uruguay Barcelona, Venezuela 5,065 km
Cartagena, Colombia Belford Roxo, Brazil 5,071 km
Buenos Aires, Argentina Caracas, Venezuela 5,072 km

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