Distance from San Fernando to Madrid

The distance between San Fernando, Philippines and Madrid, Spain is 11,456 kilometers (7,118 miles)

Country: Philippines

Region: Ilocos

City: San Fernando

Country: Spain

Region: Madrid

City: Madrid

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 16-18 hours
Jet fighter 10-12 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

San Fernando, Philippines

Local time:

Coordinates: 16.6159° N 120.3166° E

Nearby airports:
  • San Fernando Airport (SFE)
  • Loakan Airport (BAG)
  • Vigan Mindoro Airport (VGN)
  • Cauayan Airport (CYZ)
  • Dr.Juan C. Angara Airport (BQA)

Madrid, Spain

Local time:

Coordinates: 40.4165° N 3.7026° W

Nearby airports:
  • Cuatro Vientos Airport (ECV)
  • Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport (MAD)
  • Torrejón Airport (TOJ)
  • Salamanca Airport (SLM)
  • Valladolid Airport (VLL)

Other distances from San Fernando

Distance between cities Kilometers
From San Fernando to Quezon City 231 km
From San Fernando to Manila 234 km
From San Fernando to Budta 1,134 km
From San Fernando to Malingao 1,140 km
From San Fernando to Cebu City 797 km

Other distances from Madrid

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Madrid to Barcelona 505 km
From Madrid to Valencia 303 km
From Madrid to Zaragoza 275 km
From Madrid to Málaga 415 km
From Madrid to Murcia 349 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between San Fernando and Madrid.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Dhaka, Bangladesh Seattle, United States 11,456 km
Istanbul, Turkey Xochimilco, Mexico 11,456 km
Istanbul, Turkey Tlalpan, Mexico 11,457 km
Nanchong, China Los Angeles, United States 11,458 km
Istanbul, Turkey Álvaro Obregón, Mexico 11,454 km
Chengdu, China Saint Paul, United States 11,453 km
Kano, Nigeria Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico 11,459 km
Nanchong, China Henderson, United States 11,459 km
Hamburg, Germany San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina 11,452 km
Istanbul, Turkey Celaya, Mexico 11,452 km
Tehran, Iran Vila Velha, Brazil 11,452 km
Istanbul, Turkey Coyoacán, Mexico 11,452 km
Taipei, Taiwan Colorado Springs, United States 11,452 km
Kharkiv, Ukraine São José do Rio Preto, Brazil 11,451 km
Seoul, South Korea Charlotte, United States 11,451 km
Istanbul, Turkey León de los Aldama, Mexico 11,451 km
Warsaw, Poland Asunción, Paraguay 11,461 km
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo Cancún, Mexico 11,451 km
Kano, Nigeria San Luis, Mexico 11,462 km

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