Distance from Saotly to Edinburgh of the Seven Seas

The distance between Saotly, Azerbaijan and Edinburgh of the Seven Seas, Saint Helena is 10,541 kilometers (6,550 miles)

Country: Azerbaijan

Region: Saatlı

City: Saotly

Country: Saint Helena

Region: Tristan da Cunha

City: Edinburgh of the Seven Seas

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 30-45 days
Motorcycle 12-15 days
Car 10-12 days
Airplane 16-18 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h

Saotly, Azerbaijan

Local time:

Coordinates: 39.9321° N 48.3689° E

Nearby airports:
  • Parsabad-Moghan Airport (PFQ)
  • Gabala International Airport (GBB)
  • Yevlakh Airport (YLV)
  • Lankaran International Airport (LLK)
  • Zabrat Airport (ZXT)

Edinburgh of the Seven Seas, Saint Helena

Local time:

Coordinates: 37.0676° S 12.3116° W

Other distances from Saotly

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Saotly to Baku 139 km
From Saotly to Ganja 190 km
From Saotly to Lankaran 137 km
From Saotly to Mingelchaur 145 km
From Saotly to Sumqayyt 132 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Saotly and Edinburgh of the Seven Seas.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Mendoza, Argentina Valladolid, Spain 10,541 km
Seoul, South Korea El Paso, United States 10,541 km
Bucharest, Romania Santo André, Brazil 10,540 km
Budapest, Hungary Tepic, Mexico 10,540 km
Maceió, Brazil Seattle, United States 10,542 km
Porto Alegre, Brazil San Francisco, United States 10,539 km
Sacramento, United States Florianópolis, Brazil 10,539 km
Cairo, Egypt New South Memphis, United States 10,539 km
Bucharest, Romania Santa Catarina, Mexico 10,539 km
Kharkiv, Ukraine Chihuahua, Mexico 10,538 km
Seoul, South Korea Ottawa, Canada 10,538 km
São Paulo, Brazil Bucharest, Romania 10,538 km
Nova Iguaçu, Brazil Stockton, United States 10,538 km
Shenzhen, China Portland, United States 10,544 km
Bucharest, Romania São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil 10,545 km
Córdoba, Argentina Edmonton, Canada 10,545 km
Seattle, United States Aracaju, Brazil 10,545 km
Seoul, South Korea Chicago, United States 10,536 km
Tokyo, Japan Torreon, Mexico 10,536 km

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