Distance from Sholokhovskiy to Ufa (Russia)

The distance between Sholokhovskiy, Rostov and Ufa, Bashkortostan Republic is 1,257 kilometers (781 miles)

Country: Russia

Region: Rostov

City: Sholokhovskiy

Country: Russia

Region: Bashkortostan Republic

City: Ufa

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 4-5 days
Motorcycle 1-2 days
Car 1-2 days
Airplane 1-2 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h

Sholokhovskiy, Russia

Local time:

Coordinates: 48.2807° N 41.0459° E

Nearby airports:
  • Volgodonsk Airport (VLK)
  • Platov International Airport (ROV)
  • Luhansk International Airport (VSG)
  • Taganrog Airport (TGK)
  • Donetsk International Airport (DOK)

Ufa, Russia

Local time:

Coordinates: 54.7431° N 55.9678° E

Nearby airports:
  • Ufa International Airport (UFA)
  • Bugulma Airport (UUA)
  • Magnitogorsk International Airport (MQF)
  • Begishevo Airport (NBC)
  • Izhevsk Airport (IJK)

Other distances from Ufa

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Ufa to Moscow 1,169 km
From Ufa to Saint Petersburg 1,637 km
From Ufa to Yekaterinburg 374 km
From Ufa to Samara 418 km
From Ufa to Omsk 1,115 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of Russia that are at equal or similar distances as between Sholokhovskiy and Ufa.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Gustavo Adolfo Madero, Mexico San Pedro Sula, Honduras 1,257 km
Morelia, Mexico Mixco, Guatemala 1,257 km
Coyoacán, Mexico San Pedro Sula, Honduras 1,257 km
Kansas City, United States Pittsburgh, United States 1,257 km
Barranquilla, Colombia Managua, Nicaragua 1,258 km
Maceió, Brazil Serra, Brazil 1,258 km
Chihuahua, Mexico Santa Ana, United States 1,256 km
Paso del Norte, Mexico Zapopan, Mexico 1,256 km
Mexico City, Mexico San Pedro Sula, Honduras 1,256 km
Nottingham, United Kingdom Zaragoza, Spain 1,256 km
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico San Pedro Sula, Honduras 1,256 km
San Salvador, El Salvador Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico 1,256 km
Chihuahua, Mexico Xochimilco, Mexico 1,258 km
Cochabamba, Bolivia Campo Grande, Brazil 1,258 km
Cuauhtémoc, Mexico San Pedro Sula, Honduras 1,259 km
Tlalpan, Mexico San Pedro Sula, Honduras 1,255 km
Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico Soyapango, El Salvador 1,259 km

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