Distance from Songhe to Rio de Janeiro

The distance between Songhe, China and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is 17,524 kilometers (10,889 miles)

Country: China

Region: Hubei

City: Songhe

Country: Brazil

Region: Rio de Janeiro

City: Rio de Janeiro

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 16-18 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Songhe, China

Local time:

Coordinates: 31.1965° N 113.2837° E

Nearby airports:
  • Wuhan Tianhe International Airport (WUH)
  • Xiangyang Liuji Airport (XFN)
  • Xinyang Minggang Airport (XAI)
  • Yichang Sanxia Airport (YIH)
  • Guangzhou MR Air Base (LHK)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Local time:

Coordinates: 22.9064° S 43.1822° W

Nearby airports:
  • Santos Dumont Airport (SDU)
  • Rio de Janeiro-Galeão International Airport (GIG)
  • Jacarepagua-Roberto Marinho Airport (RRJ)
  • Aeroclube Airport (QNV)
  • Santa Cruz Air Force Base (SNZ)

Other distances from Songhe

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Songhe to Shanghai 779 km
From Songhe to Beijing 1,007 km
From Songhe to Tianjin 950 km
From Songhe to Shenzhen 962 km
From Songhe to Wuhan 116 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Songhe and Rio de Janeiro.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Perth, Australia Barquisimeto, Venezuela 17,523 km
Maracaibo, Venezuela Perth, Australia 17,527 km
Beijing, China São José dos Campos, Brazil 17,520 km
Nanchong, China Joinville, Brazil 17,531 km
Taipei, Taiwan Feira de Santana, Brazil 17,533 km
Jakarta, Indonesia Villahermosa, Mexico 17,515 km
Madrid, Spain Gold Coast, Australia 17,514 km
Chennai, India Guayaquil, Ecuador 17,534 km
Wuhan, China Belo Horizonte, Brazil 17,538 km
Mendoza, Argentina Calcutta, India 17,509 km
Seoul, South Korea Brasília, Brazil 17,539 km
Taipei, Taiwan Salvador, Brazil 17,540 km
Nanchong, China Curitiba, Brazil 17,541 km
Nanchong, China Florianópolis, Brazil 17,542 km
Wuhan, China Ribeirão das Neves, Brazil 17,542 km
Nanchong, China Cuiabá, Brazil 17,544 km
Adelaide, Australia Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain 17,544 km
Perth, Australia New Orleans, United States 17,546 km

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