Distance from Strand to Ise (Norway)

The distance between Strand, Nordland and Ise, Viken is 1,067 kilometers (663 miles)

Country: Norway

Region: Nordland

City: Strand

Country: Norway

Region: Viken

City: Ise

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 3-4 days
Motorcycle 1-2 days
Car 1-2 days
Airplane 1-2 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h

Strand, Norway

Local time:

Coordinates: 68.6972° N 15.4495° E

Nearby airports:
  • Stokmarknes Skagen Airport (SKN)
  • Harstad/Narvik Airport, Evenes (EVE)
  • Svolvær Airport, Helle (SVJ)
  • Andøya Airport (ANX)
  • Narvik Airport, Framnes (NVK)

Ise, Norway

Local time:

Coordinates: 59.3004° N 11.2205° E

Nearby airports:
  • Moss Airport, Rygge (RYG)
  • Sandefjord Airport, Torp (TRF)
  • Oslo, Fornebu Airport (FBU)
  • Skien-Geiteryggen Airport (SKE)
  • Oslo Airport, Gardermoen (OSL)

Other distances from Strand

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Strand to Oslo 1,005 km
From Strand to Bergen 1,042 km
From Strand to Trondheim 630 km
From Strand to Drammen 1,029 km
From Strand to Stavanger 1,182 km

Other distances from Ise

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Ise to Oslo 73 km
From Ise to Bergen 352 km
From Ise to Trondheim 462 km
From Ise to Drammen 76 km
From Ise to Stavanger 316 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of Norway that are at equal or similar distances as between Strand and Ise.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Shanghai, China Beijing, China 1,067 km
New South Memphis, United States Corpus Christi, United States 1,067 km
Guatemala City, Guatemala Azcapotzalco, Mexico 1,067 km
Goiânia, Brazil Joinville, Brazil 1,067 km
Azcapotzalco, Mexico Villa Nueva, Guatemala 1,067 km
Valencia, Venezuela Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic 1,068 km
Hermosillo, Mexico Saltillo, Mexico 1,068 km
Guatemala City, Guatemala Coacalco, Mexico 1,068 km
New South Memphis, United States Pittsburgh, United States 1,066 km
Villa Nueva, Guatemala Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico 1,066 km
Villa Nueva, Guatemala Coacalco, Mexico 1,068 km
Guatemala City, Guatemala Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico 1,066 km
Mérida, Mexico Toluca, Mexico 1,066 km
Paso del Norte, Mexico Wichita, United States 1,066 km
Asunción, Paraguay La Plata, Argentina 1,069 km
Istanbul, Turkey Budapest, Hungary 1,069 km
Cartagena, Colombia Santiago de Cuba, Cuba 1,065 km
Paris, France Valencia, Spain 1,065 km
Caracas, Venezuela Medellín, Colombia 1,065 km

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