Distance from Tamuning-Tumon-Harmon Village to Genève

The distance between Tamuning-Tumon-Harmon Village, Guam and Genève, Switzerland is 12,212 kilometers (7,588 miles)

Country: Guam

Region: Tamuning

City: Tamuning-Tumon-Harmon Village

Country: Switzerland

Region: Geneva

City: Genève

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 18-20 hours
Jet fighter 12-14 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Tamuning-Tumon-Harmon Village, Guam

Local time:

Coordinates: 13.4877° N 144.7814° E

Nearby airports:
  • Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport (GUM)
  • Andersen Air Force Base (UAM)
  • Rota International Airport (ROP)
  • Rota International Airport (GRO)
  • Tinian International Airport (TIQ)

Genève, Switzerland

Local time:

Coordinates: 46.2022° N 6.1457° E

Nearby airports:
  • Aéroport Genève-Cointrin (GVA)
  • Annemasse Airport (QNJ)
  • Annecy-Haute-Savoie-Mont Blanc Airport (NCY)
  • Lausanne-Blécherette Airport (QLS)
  • Megève Airport (MVV)

Other distances from Genève

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Genève to Zürich 225 km
From Genève to Basel 186 km
From Genève to Winterthur 244 km
From Genève to Bern 130 km
From Genève to Lausanne 51 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Tamuning-Tumon-Harmon Village and Genève.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Tehran, Iran Carapicuíba, Brazil 12,212 km
La Plata, Argentina Honolulu, United States 12,211 km
Seoul, South Korea Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo 12,210 km
Minsk, Belarus Resistencia, Argentina 12,210 km
Baghdad, Iraq Phoenix, United States 12,214 km
Tianjin, China León de los Aldama, Mexico 12,209 km
Buenos Aires, Argentina Bucharest, Romania 12,209 km
Tehran, Iran Osasco, Brazil 12,209 km
Tehran, Iran Los Angeles, United States 12,209 km
Baghdad, Iraq Mesa, United States 12,209 km
Istanbul, Turkey Santa Fe, Argentina 12,209 km
Chongqing, China Manhattan, United States 12,216 km
Milwaukee, United States Kanpur, India 12,216 km
Chongqing, China The Bronx, United States 12,208 km
Philadelphia, United States Lucknow, India 12,208 km
Berlin, Germany San Juan, Argentina 12,216 km
Beijing, China Orlando, United States 12,208 km
Tehran, Iran Riverside, United States 12,207 km
Sydney, Australia Mexicali, Mexico 12,217 km
Chongqing, China Indianapolis, United States 12,217 km

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