Distance from Thị Trấn Tà Lùng to Bogotá

The distance between Thị Trấn Tà Lùng, Vietnam and Bogotá, Colombia is 17,004 kilometers (10,566 miles)

Country: Vietnam

Region: Cao Bằng

City: Thị Trấn Tà Lùng

Country: Colombia

Region: Bogota D.C.

City: Bogotá

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 16-18 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Thị Trấn Tà Lùng, Vietnam

Local time:

Coordinates: 22.4979° N 106.5669° E

Nearby airports:
  • Baise Youjiang Airport (AEB)
  • Noi Bai International Airport (HAN)
  • Nanning Wuxu Airport (NNG)
  • Van Don International Airport (VDO)
  • Cat Bi International Airport (HPH)

Bogotá, Colombia

Local time:

Coordinates: 4.6097° N 74.0818° W

Nearby airports:
  • El Dorado International Airport (BOG)
  • Villavicencio / Vanguardia (VVC)
  • Gomez Nino Apiay Air Base (API)
  • Santiago Vila Airport (GIR)
  • Mariquita Airport (MQU)

Other distances from Bogotá

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Bogotá to Cali 300 km
From Bogotá to Medellín 245 km
From Bogotá to Barranquilla 707 km
From Bogotá to Cartagena 660 km
From Bogotá to Cúcuta 403 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Thị Trấn Tà Lùng and Bogotá.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Chiclayo, Peru Lucknow, India 17,004 km
Philadelphia, United States Adelaide, Australia 17,003 km
Chongqing, China Brasília, Brazil 17,002 km
Tianjin, China Serra, Brazil 17,001 km
Shenzhen, China Ananindeua, Brazil 17,000 km
Nanchong, China Iquitos, Peru 17,009 km
Chengdu, China Iquitos, Peru 17,011 km
Melbourne, Australia Liverpool, United Kingdom 17,012 km
Chengdu, China Guarulhos, Brazil 17,014 km
Tokyo, Japan Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia 17,015 km
Perth, Australia San Pedro Sula, Honduras 16,993 km
Chengdu, China Santos, Brazil 17,016 km
Perth, Australia Omaha, United States 17,016 km
Chiclayo, Peru Kanpur, India 16,992 km
Chengdu, China Mauá, Brazil 17,016 km
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia Calcutta, India 17,016 km
Shenzhen, China Belém, Brazil 17,017 km
Tianjin, China Vila Velha, Brazil 17,017 km
Wuhan, China Chiclayo, Peru 16,991 km
Barcelona, Spain Gold Coast, Australia 17,019 km

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