Distance from Victoria to Houston

The distance between Victoria, Seychelles and Houston, United States is 15,877 kilometers (9,866 miles)

Country: Seychelles

Region: English River

City: Victoria

Country: United States

Region: Texas

City: Houston

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 1-2 days
Jet fighter 16-18 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Victoria, Seychelles

Local time:

Coordinates: 4.62° S 55.455° E

Nearby airports:
  • Seychelles International Airport (SEZ)
  • Praslin Island Airport (PRI)
  • Frégate Island Airport (FRK)
  • Bird Island Airport (BDI)
  • Desroches Airport (DES)

Houston, United States

Local time:

Coordinates: 29.7633° N 95.3633° W

Nearby airports:
  • William P Hobby Airport (HOU)
  • Andrau Airpark (AAP)
  • George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH)
  • Ellington Airport (EFD)
  • West Houston Airport (IWS)

Other distances from Houston

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Houston to New York City 2,283 km
From Houston to Los Angeles 2,211 km
From Houston to Chicago 1,510 km
From Houston to Philadelphia 2,158 km
From Houston to Phoenix 1,635 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Victoria and Houston.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Mixco, Guatemala Navi Mumbai, India 15,876 km
Mumbai, India Villa Nueva, Guatemala 15,876 km
Cali, Colombia Lucknow, India 15,879 km
Cali, Colombia Kanpur, India 15,875 km
Guayaquil, Ecuador Perth, Australia 15,880 km
Dongguan, China San José, Costa Rica 15,880 km
Mumbai, India Managua, Nicaragua 15,872 km
Beijing, China Aracaju, Brazil 15,871 km
Managua, Nicaragua Navi Mumbai, India 15,883 km
Sydney, Australia Philadelphia, United States 15,883 km
Guatemala City, Guatemala Navi Mumbai, India 15,871 km
Tokyo, Japan Manaus, Brazil 15,870 km
Barranquilla, Colombia Calcutta, India 15,870 km
Mumbai, India Soyapango, El Salvador 15,884 km
Beijing, China Iquitos, Peru 15,884 km
Hyderabad, India Bucaramanga, Colombia 15,884 km
Villa Nueva, Guatemala Navi Mumbai, India 15,885 km
Wuhan, China João Pessoa, Brazil 15,886 km
San Juan, Puerto Rico Gold Coast, Australia 15,868 km
Jakarta, Indonesia Detroit, United States 15,887 km

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