Distance from Washington to Oakland (United States)

The distance between Washington, District of Columbia and Oakland, California is 3,915 kilometers (2,433 miles).

Washington, District of Columbia, United States

Oakland, California, United States

Washington is located on the east coast of the United States, while Oakland is situated on the west coast, making them cities separated by the vast expanse of the country. The straight-line distance between them is 3,915 kilometers, heading west.

Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Washington at 6 meters above sea level and Oakland at 24 meters.

Driving route

The car route from Washington to Oakland spans approximately 4500 km, passing through major highways like I-70 and I-80, crossing diverse regions including the Midwest and the Rocky Mountains.

Lugares de interés en la ruta: Rocky Mountains, Chicago, Salt Lake City, Denver.

Travel information


The trip covers diverse landscapes from the urban east coast to the mountainous west, with landmarks like the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains.

Best time to travel

Travel in spring for mild weather or fall for fewer tourists, both offering pleasant experiences in Oakland.


Oakland generally has a milder climate compared to Washington, with less humidity and more consistent temperatures year-round.


Oakland offers comprehensive public transport and accessible facilities, similar to Washington, making it convenient for visitors.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 6-7 days
Motorcycle 2-3 days
Car 1-2 days
Airplane 6-8 hours
Speed Time
50 km/h
100 km/h
150 km/h
Washington, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/New_York

Coordinates: 38.8951° N 77.0364° W

Elevation: 6 m (20 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA)
  • Joint Base Andrews (ADW)
  • Davison Army Air Field (DAA)
  • Tipton Airport (FME)
  • Montgomery County Airpark (GAI)
Oakland, United States

Local time:

Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles

Coordinates: 37.8044° N 122.2708° W

Elevation: 24 m (79 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Alameda Naval Air Station (NGZ)
  • Oakland International Airport (OAK)
  • Hayward Executive Airport (HWD)
  • San Francisco International Airport (SFO)
  • Buchanan Field Airport (CCR)

Other distances from Washington

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Washington to New York City 329 km
From Washington to Los Angeles 3,700 km
From Washington to Chicago 958 km
From Washington to Houston 1,962 km
From Washington to Phoenix 3,189 km

Other distances from Oakland

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Oakland to New York City 4,126 km
From Oakland to Los Angeles 553 km
From Oakland to Chicago 2,977 km
From Oakland to Houston 2,636 km
From Oakland to Phoenix 1,042 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of United States that are at equal or similar distances as between Washington and Oakland.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Vancouver, Canada Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico 3,915 km
Lagos, Nigeria Cairo, Egypt 3,915 km
Vancouver, Canada New York City, United States 3,915 km
Tijuana, Mexico Manhattan, United States 3,916 km
Valencia, Spain Port Harcourt, Nigeria 3,914 km
New York City, United States San Diego, United States 3,916 km
Moscow, Russia Lisbon, Portugal 3,914 km
Mexico City, Mexico Surrey, Canada 3,914 km
Baghdad, Iraq Nairobi, Kenya 3,914 km
Ottawa, Canada Oakland, United States 3,916 km
Philadelphia, United States Bogotá, Colombia 3,916 km
Vancouver, Canada Manhattan, United States 3,914 km
Rome, Italy Ibadan, Nigeria 3,917 km
Vancouver, Canada The Bronx, United States 3,917 km
Brooklyn, United States Tijuana, Mexico 3,917 km
Bogotá, Colombia Dallas, United States 3,913 km
Medellín, Colombia Tulsa, United States 3,913 km
Maracay, Venezuela Aguascalientes, Mexico 3,918 km

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