The distance between Wellington, New Zealand and Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago is 13,585 kilometers (8,442 miles).
Wellington, Wellington Region, New Zealand
From Wellington to Port of Spain, the straight-line distance is 13,585 kilometers, heading east. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Wellington at 31 meters above sea level and Port of Spain at 21 meters.
Mode | Estimated time |
Airplane | 1 day |
Jet fighter | 14-16 hours |
Speed | Time |
300 km/h | |
Local time:
Time Zone: Pacific/Auckland
Coordinates: 41.2866° S 174.7756° E
Elevation: 31 m (102 ft)
Local time:
Time Zone: America/Port_of_Spain
Coordinates: 10.6667° N 61.5189° W
Elevation: 21 m (69 ft)
Distance between cities | Kilometers |
From Wellington to Auckland | 493 km |
From Wellington to Christchurch | 306 km |
From Wellington to Manukau City | 477 km |
From Wellington to North Shore | 498 km |
From Wellington to Hamilton | 391 km |
Distances between cities | Kilometers |
From Port of Spain to San Fernando | 43 km |
From Port of Spain to Rio Claro | 55 km |
From Port of Spain to Chaguanas | 20 km |
From Port of Spain to Mon Repos | 44 km |
From Port of Spain to Arima | 26 km |
The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Wellington and Port of Spain.
From | To | Distance (kilometers) |
San Jose, United States | Hyderābād, India | 13,585 km |
Hanoi, Vietnam | Dallas, United States | 13,585 km |
Los Angeles, United States | Ahmedabad, India | 13,585 km |
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea | Memphis, United States | 13,586 km |
Houston, United States | Kampala, Uganda | 13,587 km |
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea | New South Memphis, United States | 13,587 km |
Nairobi, Kenya | New Orleans, United States | 13,587 km |
Baghdad, Iraq | Chiclayo, Peru | 13,587 km |
Dallas, United States | Kampala, Uganda | 13,582 km |
Perth, Australia | São Paulo, Brazil | 13,588 km |
San Pedro Sula, Honduras | Gold Coast, Australia | 13,588 km |
Chengdu, China | San Luis Potosí, Mexico | 13,581 km |
Mumbai, India | Colorado Springs, United States | 13,590 km |
Budapest, Hungary | Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea | 13,590 km |
Melbourne, Australia | Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico | 13,580 km |
Wellington, New Zealand | Charlotte, United States | 13,580 km |