Distance from Zgorzelisko to New York City

The distance between Zgorzelisko, Poland and New York City, United States is 6,701 kilometers (4,164 miles)

Country: Poland

Region: Lower Silesia

City: Zgorzelisko

Country: United States

Region: New York

City: New York City

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Airplane 10-12 hours
Jet fighter 6-8 hours
Speed Time
300 km/h

Zgorzelisko, Poland

Local time:

Coordinates: 51.1383° N 17.1337° E

Nearby airports:
  • Wrocław–Copernicus Airport (WRO)
  • Poznań-Ławica Airport (POZ)
  • Zielona Gora Airport (IEG)
  • Katowice International Airport (KTW)
  • Pardubice Airport (PED)

New York City, United States

Local time:

Coordinates: 40.7143° N 74.006° W

Nearby airports:
  • Downtown-Manhattan/Wall St Heliport (JRB)
  • West 30th St. Heliport (JRA)
  • La Guardia Airport (LGA)
  • Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR)
  • Teterboro Airport (TEB)

Other distances from Zgorzelisko

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Zgorzelisko to Warsaw 294 km
From Zgorzelisko to Łódź 177 km
From Zgorzelisko to Poznań 142 km
From Zgorzelisko to Gdańsk 372 km
From Zgorzelisko to Szczecin 310 km

Other distances from New York City

Distances between cities Kilometers
From New York City to Los Angeles 3,944 km
From New York City to Chicago 1,149 km
From New York City to Houston 2,283 km
From New York City to Philadelphia 130 km
From New York City to Phoenix 3,451 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains cities that are at equal or similar distances as between Zgorzelisko and New York City.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Raleigh, United States Murcia, Spain 6,701 km
Santiago de Cuba, Cuba Mar del Plata, Argentina 6,701 km
Mérida, Mexico Ribeirão das Neves, Brazil 6,701 km
Málaga, Spain Barcelona, Venezuela 6,701 km
Santiago de Cuba, Cuba A Coruña, Spain 6,701 km
Cancún, Mexico Juiz de Fora, Brazil 6,700 km
Barcelona, Spain Cleveland, United States 6,702 km
Paris, France Charlotte, United States 6,702 km
Campinas, Brazil Mérida, Mexico 6,700 km
Maracay, Venezuela Vigo, Spain 6,702 km
Lagos, Nigeria Joinville, Brazil 6,700 km
Sheffield, United Kingdom San Juan, Puerto Rico 6,702 km
Madrid, Spain Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 6,703 km
Toronto, Canada Arequipa, Peru 6,703 km
Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic Latina, Spain 6,703 km
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Latina, Spain 6,699 km
Bilbao, Spain Ananindeua, Brazil 6,703 km
João Pessoa, Brazil Baltimore, United States 6,699 km
Madrid, Spain Milwaukee, United States 6,699 km
Taipei, Taiwan Tehran, Iran 6,703 km

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