Cities named Belen

There are at least 16 cities named Belen in the entire world. The following map and table contain general information about these cities.

# Country Region City Coordinates
1 United States New Mexico Belen 34.663, -106.776
2 Mexico Guanajuato Belén 20.368, -100.523
3 Mexico Tabasco Belén 17.789, -92.611
4 Nicaragua Rivas Belén 11.503, -85.889
5 Costa Rica Guanacaste Belén 10.408, -85.588
6 Peru Piura Belen -5.03, -80.163
7 Colombia Nariño Belén 1.595, -77.054
8 Peru Ayacucho Belén -13.81, -73.758
9 Peru Loreto Belen -3.76, -73.25
10 Colombia Boyacá Belén 5.989, -72.913
11 Bolivia La Paz Belen -17.367, -67.55
12 Argentina Catamarca Belén -27.651, -67.029
13 Uruguay Salto Belén -30.787, -57.776
14 Paraguay Concepción Belén -23.47, -57.262
15 Turkey Antalya Belen 36.426, 32.193
16 Turkey Hatay Belen 36.489, 36.195