Cities named San Nicolás

There are at least 22 cities named San Nicolás in the entire world. The following map and table contain general information about these cities.

# Country Region City Coordinates
1 Mexico Jalisco San Nicolás 20.468, -103.82
2 Mexico Jalisco San Nicolas 20.33, -103.129
3 Mexico Querétaro San Nicolás 20.477, -99.937
4 Mexico México San Nicolás 18.933, -99.568
5 Mexico Tamaulipas San Nicolás 24.694, -98.83
6 Mexico San Luis Potosí San Nicolás 21.677, -98.778
7 Mexico Guerrero San Nicolás 16.418, -98.519
8 Mexico Hidalgo San Nicolás 20.322, -98.188
9 Mexico Veracruz San Nicolás 19.556, -96.769
10 Mexico Oaxaca San Nicolás 16.42, -96.741
11 Mexico Chiapas San Nicolás 15.892, -92.728
12 Honduras Copán San Nicolás 15, -88.75
13 Honduras Santa Bárbara San Nicolás 14.933, -88.317
14 Honduras Comayagua San Nicolás 14.717, -87.35
15 Nicaragua Estelí San Nicolás 12.932, -86.348
16 Honduras Olancho San Nicolás 14.55, -86.25
17 Aruba San Nicolas 12.436, -69.907
18 Spain Canary Islands San Nicolás 27.989, -15.781
19 Philippines Ilocos San Nicolas 18.173, 120.595
20 Philippines Central Luzon San Nicolas 15.584, 120.677
21 Philippines Calabarzon San Nicolas 13.928, 120.951
22 Philippines Western Visayas San Nicolas 10.684, 122.496