Cities named San Rafael

There are at least 31 cities named San Rafael in the entire world. The following map and table contain general information about these cities.

# Country Region City Coordinates
1 United States California San Rafael 37.974, -122.531
2 Mexico Baja California San Rafael 31.902, -116.554
3 Mexico Sinaloa San Rafael 25.494, -108.305
4 Mexico Chihuahua San Rafael 27.498, -107.891
5 United States New Mexico San Rafael 35.113, -107.883
6 Mexico Nuevo León San Rafael 25.031, -100.551
7 Mexico Guanajuato San Rafael 21.133, -100.355
8 Mexico Querétaro San Rafael 20.752, -100.286
9 Mexico Michoacán San Rafael 19.73, -100.223
10 Mexico Tamaulipas San Rafael 23.125, -99.794
11 Mexico San Luis Potosí San Rafael 21.589, -99.708
12 Mexico Hidalgo San Rafael 21.115, -98.938
13 Mexico México San Rafael 19.21, -98.756
14 Mexico Guerrero San Rafael 17.227, -98.424
15 Mexico Veracruz San Rafael 20.189, -96.867
16 Mexico Chiapas San Rafael 17.201, -92.783
17 Mexico Yucatán San Rafael 20.703, -90.158
18 Costa Rica Alajuela San Rafael 10.064, -84.473
19 Costa Rica San José San Rafael 9.928, -84.137
20 Costa Rica Heredia San Rafael 10.013, -84.1
21 Peru Piura San Rafael -4.992, -80.596
22 Peru San Martín San Rafael -7.03, -76.475
23 Peru Huanuco San Rafael -10.338, -76.183
24 Colombia Antioquia San Rafael 6.294, -75.026
25 Colombia Boyacá San Rafael 5.356, -73.209
26 Argentina Mendoza San Rafael -34.618, -68.33
27 Philippines Central Luzon San Rafael 14.899, 120.694
28 Philippines Calabarzon San Rafael 14.128, 121.415
29 Philippines Western Visayas San Rafael 11.178, 122.827
30 Philippines Bicol San Rafael 13.217, 123.6
31 Philippines Davao San Rafael 7.764, 126.456