Distance from Republic of the Congo to Paraguay

The distance between Republic of the Congo and Paraguay is 8,402 kilometers (5,221 miles).

Republic of the Congo, Africa

Paraguay, South America

8,402 km

Distance between centroids

7,337 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

7,476 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Pointe-Noire → Santa Rita

Distances between Republic of the Congo and Paraguay by cities:

City in Republic of the Congo City in Paraguay Distance (kilometers)
Mossendjo Fernando de la Mora 7,888 km
Ouésso Santa Rita 8,210 km
Gamboma Asunción 8,269 km
Madingou Asunción 7,928 km
Kinkala Lima 7,913 km
Mossendjo Asunción 7,900 km
Makoua Ciudad del Este 8,037 km
Impfondo Asunción 8,657 km
Gamboma Lima 8,136 km
Kayes Asunción 7,899 km
Kinkala Asunción 8,040 km
Loandjili Asunción 7,730 km
Owando Santa Rita 8,089 km
Sibiti Lima 7,799 km
Ouésso Fernando de la Mora 8,445 km
Dolisie Asunción 7,837 km
Owando Asunción 8,339 km
Kayes Lambaré 7,895 km
Djambala Lima 7,993 km
Loandjili Lima 7,600 km

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Other distances from Paraguay

Distances between countries Kilometers
From Paraguay to China 17,852 km
From Paraguay to India 15,639 km
From Paraguay to United States 7,757 km
From Paraguay to Indonesia 17,201 km
From Paraguay to Pakistan 14,830 km

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Republic of the Congo and Paraguay.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Puerto Rico Latvia 8,401 km
Sweden Taiwan 8,403 km
Puerto Rico Lithuania 8,394 km
Puerto Rico Estonia 8,388 km
El Salvador Sierra Leone 8,413 km
Netherlands Namibia 8,417 km
Sweden Trinidad and Tobago 8,421 km
Bulgaria Vietnam 8,379 km
Slovakia French Guiana 8,424 km
Netherlands Mozambique 8,373 km
Sweden Mayotte 8,427 km
Puerto Rico Albania 8,435 km
Cuba Czechia 8,436 km
Puerto Rico Serbia 8,436 km
Uruguay Zimbabwe 8,439 km

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