The distance between Belfast, Northern Ireland and Liverpool, England is 234 kilometers (145 miles).
Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
From Belfast to Liverpool, the straight-line distance is 234 kilometers, heading southeast. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Belfast at 7 meters above sea level and Liverpool at 30 meters.
Mode | Estimated time |
Walk | 2-3 days |
Bicycle | 18-20 hours |
Motorcycle | 6-8 hours |
Car | 5-6 hours |
Helicopter | 1-2 hours |
Speed | Time |
30 km/h | |
60 km/h | |
90 km/h | |
120 km/h | |
Local time:
Time Zone: Europe/London
Coordinates: 54.5968° N 5.9254° W
Elevation: 7 m (23 ft)
Local time:
Time Zone: Europe/London
Coordinates: 53.4106° N 2.9779° W
Elevation: 30 m (98 ft)
Distance between cities | Kilometers |
From Belfast to London | 519 km |
From Belfast to Birmingham | 356 km |
From Belfast to Liverpool | 234 km |
From Belfast to Glasgow | 177 km |
From Belfast to Sheffield | 322 km |
Distances between cities | Kilometers |
From Liverpool to London | 287 km |
From Liverpool to Birmingham | 126 km |
From Liverpool to Glasgow | 285 km |
From Liverpool to Sheffield | 101 km |
From Liverpool to Leeds | 104 km |
The following list contains the cities of United Kingdom that are at equal or similar distances as between Belfast and Liverpool.
From | To | Distance (kilometers) |
La Paz, Bolivia | Cochabamba, Bolivia | 234 km |
Seattle, United States | Portland, United States | 233 km |
Surat, India | Mumbai, India | 235 km |
Jaipur, India | New Delhi, India | 235 km |
Houston, United States | Austin, United States | 236 km |
San Salvador, El Salvador | San Pedro Sula, Honduras | 237 km |
Morelia, Mexico | Tonalá, Mexico | 237 km |
Morelia, Mexico | Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico | 230 km |
San Antonio, United States | Nuevo Laredo, Mexico | 238 km |
Delhi, India | Jaipur, India | 239 km |
Managua, Nicaragua | Tegucigalpa, Honduras | 239 km |
Dublin, Ireland | Preston, United Kingdom | 240 km |
Surat, India | Navi Mumbai, India | 240 km |
Bengaluru, India | Coimbatore, India | 228 km |
Sheffield, United Kingdom | Bristol, United Kingdom | 228 km |
Sheffield, United Kingdom | London, United Kingdom | 228 km |
Bristol, United Kingdom | Manchester, United Kingdom | 227 km |
Kampala, Uganda | Kakamega, Kenya | 242 km |
Sheffield, United Kingdom | Cardiff, United Kingdom | 242 km |