The distance between Copenhagen, Capital Region and Odense, South Denmark is 141 kilometers (88 miles).
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
From Copenhagen to Odense, the straight-line distance is 141 kilometers, heading west. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Copenhagen at 14 meters above sea level and Odense at 17 meters.
Mode | Estimated time |
Walk | 1-2 days |
Bicycle | 10-12 hours |
Motorcycle | 4-5 hours |
Car | 3-4 hours |
Helicopter | 30-45 minutes |
Speed | Time |
30 km/h | |
60 km/h | |
90 km/h | |
120 km/h | |
Local time:
Time Zone: Europe/Copenhagen
Coordinates: 55.6759° N 12.5655° E
Elevation: 14 m (46 ft)
Local time:
Time Zone: Europe/Copenhagen
Coordinates: 55.3959° N 10.3883° E
Elevation: 17 m (56 ft)
Distance between cities | Kilometers |
From Copenhagen to Odense | 141 km |
From Copenhagen to Aalborg | 224 km |
From Copenhagen to Århus | 157 km |
From Copenhagen to Frederiksberg | 2 km |
From Copenhagen to Esbjerg | 260 km |
Distances between cities | Kilometers |
From Odense to Copenhagen | 141 km |
From Odense to Aalborg | 186 km |
From Odense to Århus | 85 km |
From Odense to Frederiksberg | 139 km |
From Odense to Esbjerg | 123 km |
The following list contains the cities of Denmark that are at equal or similar distances as between Copenhagen and Odense.
From | To | Distance (kilometers) |
Birmingham, United Kingdom | Cardiff, United Kingdom | 142 km |
Dublin, Ireland | Belfast, United Kingdom | 142 km |
San Jose, United States | Sacramento, United States | 142 km |
Philadelphia, United States | Queens, United States | 139 km |
London, United Kingdom | Leicester, United Kingdom | 143 km |
Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic | 138 km |
Philadelphia, United States | Baltimore, United States | 144 km |
Philadelphia, United States | Manhattan, United States | 137 km |
Detroit, United States | Cleveland, United States | 145 km |
Mexicali, Mexico | Tijuana, Mexico | 146 km |
Birmingham, United Kingdom | Bradford, United Kingdom | 146 km |
León de los Aldama, Mexico | Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico | 147 km |
León de los Aldama, Mexico | San Luis Potosí, Mexico | 134 km |
Gibraltar, Gibraltar | Sevilla, Spain | 148 km |
Leeds, United Kingdom | Birmingham, United Kingdom | 148 km |
Chicago, United States | Milwaukee, United States | 134 km |
Barquisimeto, Venezuela | Valencia, Venezuela | 148 km |
Málaga, Spain | Córdoba, Spain | 134 km |
Philadelphia, United States | The Bronx, United States | 149 km |
Liverpool, United Kingdom | Nottingham, United Kingdom | 132 km |