Distance from Galeville to New York City (United States)

The distance between Galeville, New York and New York City, New York is 319 kilometers (198 miles)

Country: United States

Region: New York

City: Galeville

Country: United States

Region: New York

City: New York City

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 1-2 days
Motorcycle 10-12 hours
Car 6-8 hours
Helicopter 1-2 hours
Airplane 20-30 minutes
Speed Time
30 km/h
60 km/h
90 km/h
120 km/h

Galeville, United States

Local time:

Coordinates: 43.0901° N 76.173° W

Nearby airports:
  • Syracuse Hancock International Airport (SYR)
  • Griffiss International Airport (RME)
  • Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport (ITH)
  • Greater Binghamton/Edwin A Link field (BGM)
  • Watertown International Airport (ART)

New York City, United States

Local time:

Coordinates: 40.7143° N 74.006° W

Nearby airports:
  • Downtown-Manhattan/Wall St Heliport (JRB)
  • West 30th St. Heliport (JRA)
  • La Guardia Airport (LGA)
  • Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR)
  • Teterboro Airport (TEB)

Other distances from Galeville

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Galeville to New York City 319 km
From Galeville to Los Angeles 3,758 km
From Galeville to Chicago 953 km
From Galeville to Houston 2,259 km
From Galeville to Philadelphia 359 km

Other distances from New York City

Distances between cities Kilometers
From New York City to Los Angeles 3,944 km
From New York City to Chicago 1,149 km
From New York City to Houston 2,283 km
From New York City to Philadelphia 130 km
From New York City to Phoenix 3,451 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of United States that are at equal or similar distances as between Galeville and New York City.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia Cochabamba, Bolivia 319 km
Nova Iguaçu, Brazil Contagem, Brazil 319 km
León de los Aldama, Mexico Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico 319 km
Puebla, Mexico Celaya, Mexico 319 km
Nova Iguaçu, Brazil Betim, Brazil 319 km
Maracay, Venezuela Barcelona, Venezuela 319 km
New South Memphis, United States Nashville, United States 320 km
Belo Horizonte, Brazil Nova Iguaçu, Brazil 318 km
Belo Horizonte, Brazil Belford Roxo, Brazil 320 km
Guadalupe, Mexico Torreon, Mexico 318 km
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico Acapulco de Juárez, Mexico 318 km
San Luis, Mexico Tampico, Mexico 320 km
Coyoacán, Mexico Veracruz, Mexico 318 km
Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico Acapulco de Juárez, Mexico 318 km
Tlalpan, Mexico Veracruz, Mexico 318 km
Zaragoza, Spain Valladolid, Spain 320 km
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico León de los Aldama, Mexico 321 km
Contagem, Brazil Belford Roxo, Brazil 321 km
Austin, United States Plano, United States 321 km
León de los Aldama, Mexico Azcapotzalco, Mexico 317 km

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