Distance from Swansea to Belfast (United Kingdom)

The distance between Swansea, Wales and Belfast, Northern Ireland is 357 kilometers (222 miles).

Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom

Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

From Swansea to Belfast, the straight-line distance is 357 kilometers, heading north. Both cities are at a similar altitude, with Swansea at 18 meters above sea level and Belfast at 7 meters.

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Bicycle 1-2 days
Motorcycle 10-12 hours
Car 8-10 hours
Helicopter 1-2 hours
Airplane 30-45 minutes
Speed Time
30 km/h
60 km/h
90 km/h
120 km/h
Swansea, United Kingdom

Local time:

Time Zone: Europe/London

Coordinates: 51.6208° N 3.9432° W

Elevation: 18 m (59 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • Swansea Airport (SWS)
  • Cardiff Airport (CWL)
  • Haverfordwest Airport (HAW)
  • Bristol Airport (BRS)
  • Bristol Filton Airport (FZO)
Belfast, United Kingdom

Local time:

Time Zone: Europe/London

Coordinates: 54.5968° N 5.9254° W

Elevation: 7 m (23 ft)

Nearby airports:
  • George Best Belfast City Airport (BHD)
  • Belfast International Airport (BFS)
  • City of Derry Airport (LDY)
  • Campbeltown Airport (CAL)
  • Isle Of Man / Ronaldsway Airport (IOM)

Other distances from Swansea

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Swansea to London 265 km
From Swansea to Birmingham 170 km
From Swansea to Liverpool 210 km
From Swansea to Glasgow 473 km
From Swansea to Sheffield 258 km

Other distances from Belfast

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Belfast to London 519 km
From Belfast to Birmingham 356 km
From Belfast to Liverpool 234 km
From Belfast to Glasgow 177 km
From Belfast to Sheffield 322 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of United Kingdom that are at equal or similar distances as between Swansea and Belfast.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Mexico City, Mexico San Luis Potosí, Mexico 358 km
Canberra, Australia Newcastle, Australia 358 km
Amsterdam, Netherlands London, United Kingdom 358 km
Birmingham, United Kingdom Belfast, United Kingdom 356 km
Amsterdam, Netherlands Islington, United Kingdom 356 km
Curitiba, Brazil Campinas, Brazil 359 km
Mumbai, India Vadodara, India 359 km
Villa Nueva, Guatemala Belmopan, Belize 359 km
Austin, United States Nuevo Laredo, Mexico 354 km
Dublin, Ireland Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom 353 km
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil São Paulo, Brazil 361 km
Surat, India Indore, India 353 km
Curitiba, Brazil Guarulhos, Brazil 353 km
Gustavo Adolfo Madero, Mexico San Luis Potosí, Mexico 353 km
La Paz, Bolivia Arequipa, Peru 362 km
Navi Mumbai, India Vadodara, India 362 km
Dublin, Ireland Leicester, United Kingdom 352 km
Houston, United States Dallas, United States 362 km
Guatemala City, Guatemala Tegucigalpa, Honduras 362 km
Las Vegas, United States Bakersfield, United States 362 km

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