Distance from Ueberstorf to Bern (Switzerland)

The distance between Ueberstorf, Fribourg and Bern is 14 kilometers (9 miles)

Country: Switzerland

Region: Fribourg

City: Ueberstorf

Country: Switzerland

Region: Bern

City: Bern

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Walk 2-3 hours
Bicycle 1-2 hours
Motorcycle 20-30 minutes
Car 20-30 minutes
Helicopter 1-5 minutes
Speed Time
30 km/h
60 km/h
90 km/h
120 km/h

Ueberstorf, Switzerland

Local time:

Coordinates: 46.8659° N 7.31° E

Bern, Switzerland

Local time:

Coordinates: 46.9481° N 7.4474° E

Other distances from Ueberstorf

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Ueberstorf to Zürich 109 km
From Ueberstorf to Basel 80 km
From Ueberstorf to Winterthur 129 km
From Ueberstorf to Bern 14 km
From Ueberstorf to Lausanne 65 km

Other distances from Bern

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Bern to Zürich 96 km
From Bern to Basel 69 km
From Bern to Winterthur 115 km
From Bern to Lausanne 79 km
From Bern to Genève 130 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of Switzerland that are at equal or similar distances as between Ueberstorf and Bern.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Monterrey, Mexico Santa Catarina, Mexico 14 km
Minneapolis, United States Saint Paul, United States 14 km
Venustiano Carranza, Mexico Álvaro Obregón, Mexico 14 km
São Paulo, Brazil Guarulhos, Brazil 14 km
Iztapalapa, Mexico Santa María Chimalhuacán, Mexico 14 km
Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico Álvaro Obregón, Mexico 14 km
Mexico City, Mexico Tlalnepantla, Mexico 14 km
New York City, United States Newark, United States 14 km
Azcapotzalco, Mexico Iztacalco, Mexico 14 km
Venustiano Carranza, Mexico Tlalnepantla, Mexico 14 km
Azcapotzalco, Mexico Álvaro Obregón, Mexico 14 km
Gustavo Adolfo Madero, Mexico Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico 14 km
Gustavo Adolfo Madero, Mexico Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico 14 km
San Francisco, United States Oakland, United States 13 km
Mumbai, India Navi Mumbai, India 15 km
Nova Iguaçu, Brazil Duque de Caxias, Brazil 15 km
Ecatepec de Morelos, Mexico Gustavo Adolfo Madero, Mexico 13 km
Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico Cuauhtémoc, Mexico 15 km
Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico Venustiano Carranza, Mexico 15 km
Iztapalapa, Mexico Cuauhtémoc, Mexico 13 km

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