Distance from Ueberstorf to Thal (Switzerland)

The distance between Ueberstorf, Fribourg and Thal, Saint Gallen is 184 kilometers (114 miles)

Country: Switzerland

Region: Fribourg

City: Ueberstorf

Country: Switzerland

Region: Saint Gallen

City: Thal

Travel time

Mode Estimated time
Walk 1-2 days
Bicycle 14-16 hours
Motorcycle 6-8 hours
Car 4-5 hours
Helicopter 45-60 minutes
Speed Time
30 km/h
60 km/h
90 km/h
120 km/h

Ueberstorf, Switzerland

Local time:

Coordinates: 46.8659° N 7.31° E

Nearby airports:
  • Bern Airport (BRN)
  • Neuchatel Airport (QNC)
  • Grenchen Airport (ZHI)
  • Interlaken Air Base (ZIN)
  • Lausanne-Blécherette Airport (QLS)

Thal, Switzerland

Local time:

Coordinates: 47.4668° N 9.5664° E

Nearby airports:
  • St Gallen Altenrhein Airport (ACH)
  • Hohenems-Dornbirn Airport (HOH)
  • Friedrichshafen (FDH)
  • Zurich Airport (ZRH)
  • Allgäu Airport, Memmingen (FMM)

Other distances from Ueberstorf

Distance between cities Kilometers
From Ueberstorf to Zürich 109 km
From Ueberstorf to Basel 80 km
From Ueberstorf to Winterthur 129 km
From Ueberstorf to Bern 14 km
From Ueberstorf to Lausanne 65 km

Other distances from Thal

Distances between cities Kilometers
From Thal to Zürich 78 km
From Thal to Basel 150 km
From Thal to Winterthur 64 km
From Thal to Bern 171 km
From Thal to Lausanne 247 km

Cities within similar distances

The following list contains the cities of Switzerland that are at equal or similar distances as between Ueberstorf and Thal.

From To Distance (kilometers)
Mexico City, Mexico Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico 184 km
León de los Aldama, Mexico Zapopan, Mexico 184 km
San Luis, Mexico Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico 183 km
Venustiano Carranza, Mexico Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico 185 km
Toluca, Mexico Celaya, Mexico 183 km
Maceió, Brazil Jaboatão, Brazil 183 km
San Salvador, El Salvador Mixco, Guatemala 185 km
Guadalajara, Mexico León de los Aldama, Mexico 186 km
Guadalajara, Mexico Tepic, Mexico 182 km
Brasília, Brazil Aparecida de Goiânia, Brazil 182 km
Mendoza, Argentina Puente Alto, Chile 182 km
Cuauhtémoc, Mexico Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico 181 km
Cali, Colombia Ibagué, Colombia 181 km
Santiago, Chile Mendoza, Argentina 181 km
San Luis, Mexico Celaya, Mexico 181 km
Bogotá, Colombia Pereira, Colombia 181 km
Guatemala City, Guatemala Soyapango, El Salvador 180 km
Gustavo Adolfo Madero, Mexico Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico 180 km
Tegucigalpa, Honduras San Pedro Sula, Honduras 180 km
Villa Nueva, Guatemala Soyapango, El Salvador 180 km

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